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[RAF Elsham Wolds] [Local Crashes] [166 Sqn 8/9th October 1943]

8/9 October 1943 – 166 Squadron, RAF Kirmington – Avro Lancaster III – ED993 – W/O Reginald P Rabett DFC RAFVR – Op Hanover.

Location – On approach to RAF Kirmington.

Avro Lancasters at Dawn

Took off from RAF Kirmington at 2240. Port outer engine caught fire and the captain decided to abandon the sortie and return early. While preparing to land the port outer engine failed. At 0025 the aircraft crashed and burst into flames. Sgt E Croxon was thrown clear of the wreckage and survived. Sgt L Davidson survived when the tail broke off on impact. Both were Air Gunners

The deceased were as follows and all were claimed by their next of kin and buried in their home towns.

W/O Reginald P Rabett DFC RAFVR - Pilot – 21 – 166 Sqn - Son of Reginald Charles and Ethel Rose Rabett, of Newport - Newport (Christchurch) Cemetery, Gwent, Wales.

Sgt Trevor Roberts RAFVR - Flight Engineer - 166 Sqn - Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Roberts, of Stoke-on-Trent – Stoke-on-Trent ( Hartshill ) Cemetery, Staffordshire.

Sgt Ronald Ernest Gratwick RAFVR – Air Bomber - 20 – 166 Sqn - Son of Joseph Ernest and Flossie Grace Gratwick, of Croydon - Croydon ( Mitcham Road ) Cemetery, London Borough of Croydon

Sgt James O'Reilly RAFVR – Navigator - 30 – 166 Sqn - Dukinfield Cemetery - Son of Terence and Sarah Ellen O'Reilly; husband of Philippa Mary O'Reilly, of Audenshaw, Lancashire - Dukinfield Cemetery, Tameside, Greater Manchester.

Sgt Ronald Davies RAFVR – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 23 – Son of Richard and Elizabeth Annie Davies, husband of Florence Margaret Joan Davies, of Hinckley - Hinkley Cemetery, Leicestershire.


Flying Officer Geoffrey Howard Dhenin, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (138354), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve was awarded the George Medal for his part in the rescue of the rear gunner of this crew and Corporal William John Lush was awarded a BEM :-

 One night in October, 1943, an aircraft, which had sustained damage during an attack against Hanover, crashed near an airfield. The aircraft disintegrated on impact and immediately burst into flames. The rear gunner was injured and trapped in his crushed turret, being pinned down by the remains of the tail unit and the rear of the fuselage. A high explosive bomb was in the blazing wreckage some 10 yards away from the gunner. Flying Officer Dhenin, the station medical officer, and Corporal Lush, a gunner, hastened to the scene of the accident. Although fully aware that the heat might cause the bomb to detonate at any moment Flying Officer Dhenin worked for over half an hour to relieve the injured airman's pain and, assisted by Corporal Lush, endeavoured to release him. Their efforts to extricate the gunner were, however, unavailing. A mobile crane was brought to the scene and the mass of wreckage was lifted clear of the ground. Displaying complete disregard for his own safety, Flying Officer Dhenin then crawled under the wreckage and released the trapped airman thereby enabling others helpers to drag him to safety. Flying Officer Dhenin and Corporal Lush showed fine courage and determination in circumstances of great danger.

1387153 Corporal William John Lush was awarded the BEM

 (London Gazette – 14 January 1944)


Accident Report Summary

With the no. 1 engine dead due engine fire, attempted return to base during which the no. 2 engine was inadvertently shut down and the subsequent yaw could not be contained. Report considers the design of the idle cut-off mixture lever position ( where the fuel supply is terminated )  to be inadequate, admits the possibility of an error in operation, and suggests a separate control be introduced to prevent the situation occurring for whatever reason. Info courtesy of Peter O’Reilly nephew of Sgt James O’Reilly of this crew


This crew were posted to 166 Squadron at RAF Kirmington in early September 1943 when the Squadron converted from Wellingtons and Lancasters. It is likely this crew were one of the more experienced crews transferred in from another Squadron.

W/O R P Rabett

Sgt T Roberts

Sgt R Gratwick

Sgt J O'Reilly

Sgt R Davies

Sgt E Croxon

Sgt L Davidson.

They flew the following operations

22/23 September 1943 – ED993 Hanover

27/28 September 1943 – ED993 - Hanover

29/30 September 1943 – ED993 - Bochum

1/2 October 1943 – ED993 - Hagen

2/3 October 1943 JB145 - Munich

4/5 October 1943 – ED993 - Ludswighaven

7/8 October 1943 – ED993 - Stuttgart

8/9 October - ED993 - Hanover

W/O Rabett was awarded a DFC as a result of the raid on Ludswighaven on the 4/5 October 1943

DFC citation is as follows:-

Warrant Officer Reginald Paul Rabett (1317004), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 166 Squadron (since deceased). Warrant Officer Rabett was the pilot of an aircraft detailed to attack Ludwigshafen one night in October, 1943. On the outward flight, whilst many miles from the target, one of the bomber's engines became useless. Some height was lost but, displaying a fine fighting spirit, Warrant Officer Rabett continued to the target and bombed it. This officer has always endeavoured to press home his attacks with great vigour. Distinguished Flying Cross.

Compiled by David Fell with photo from my own archive.


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