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[RAF Elsham Wolds] [Local Crashes] [103/576 Sqn 16 Dec 43]

16 December 1943 - Ulceby Lancaster Collision

576 Squadron - Avro Lancaster III – LM332 - F/S F R Scott RAAF and crew.

103 Squadron - Avro Lancaster III - JB670 - F/S V Richter RAFVR and crew.

Op Berlin

Location - Between the villages of Ulceby and Wootton, North Lincs

On the 16th December 1943 Lancasters from 103 Sq. and 576 Sq. at Elsham Wolds were taking off for a raid on Berlin that night. There was low cloud at Elsham Wolds but this was not bad enough to prevent operations. At briefing the crews were cautioned about the low cloud and told that after take off they had to climb away into the climbing pattern until they reached the prescribed height and then head out over the North Sea on the operation. It was stressed that crews should not deviate from these instructions in any way because of the visibility issues.

Amongst the first to take off was F/S F R Scott RAAF and crew of 576 Sq. in Lancaster LM332. Scott and his crew were on their first operation. Soon afterwards they were followed by F/S V Richter RAFVR and crew of 103 Sq. in Lancaster JB670. This was a scratch crew made up from members of both 103 Sq. and 576 Sq., an unusual occurrence

As Richter’s aircraft took off and climbed away Scott’s aircraft appeared out of the clouds flying directly towards them. A collision was inevitable and the machines crashed head on.

This occurred just outside the village of Ulceby and wreckage fell over a wide area. There were no survivors from either crew.

The Accident Investigation Report concluded that the collision was as a result of disobedience of instructions and should never have occurred. All captains were instructed that under no circumstances were they to circle below or in cloud but to climb straight ahead after take off. Cloud was about 1000 ft with a depth of not more than 1500 ft. Both these aircraft were seen to circle several miles from the airfield immediately after take off and start to climb through cloud on a roughly reciprocal course of that take off. Owing to the fact there were no survivors it is impossible to say which aircraft caused the collision.

This letter from an eye witness describes the events.

A Day I Never Forget by Marie Harris.

I was posted to the Ack Ack Site at Goxhill Haven as a driver in 1943. My duties were to drive all vehicles and any vehicle wherever needed. There were 3 of us girl drivers, Moira Turnbull, Nan Caulfield and myself. Although I say it myself I think we did a darned good job (must have done for they never gave us the sack!). It was quite a good site really, ATS and soldiers all got on well together, taking the good with the bad, no luxuries as such and not many "Passes Out".

Occasionally, when there had been a good night of shooting the enemy planes down, the Major and Officers would put on a dance and social night for us in the NAAFI. They would invite so many RAF and so many Yanks. It all helped to make a great night and lift our spirits and to mix or meet others who were doing what we were trying to do, keep old Hitler out. Most of the RAF were Air Crew and you would dance with one or two, get to know them a bit and have a great night, but knowing when you saw the Bombers taking off the following night they were up there doing the BIG BIT and come the next evening you would ask "where's Alec, Bob and Bill?" Just a shrug of the shoulders from their mates and you knew and felt sad, very sad.

As I drove around the lanes to wherever my duties took me at a certain time of the day you would see the Bombers going off and up into the clouds and away, you got used to it, up into one circle, two circles and third circle away on their mission and you would say to yourself and often loudly "Good luck lads, come back for that Tango."

It was one afternoon in December 1943 around 4.30 as I was driving a load of stores to another site in the Guy Truck, which had an open front and canvas covered back, going along this lane just wide enough for the truck and a ditch each side. Coming up to a farm on my right, it was very low cloud and the Lancasters were taking off into the circles, up and away, as I looked up and raised my right arm in a salute. They were so low and so near I felt I could nearly touch them.

One went into this low cloud and I was thinking it's a wonder they don't crash they are so close together, when in a split second as it came out of the cloud, God, it was a head on crash with another Lancaster, one almighty explosion and all Hell was let loose. It was awful, I couldn't believe what had happened practically over my head, just over the farmer's field. I was so stunned, streaks of fire shooting all over the road and my truck. I pulled on the brakes and jumped in the ditch but only for a few seconds thinking some of the crew could be saved, so I ran up past the farmer's house, bits and pieces lying all over, just passing a barn and someone caught hold of me from behind and wouldn't let go, kept saying "NO LASS, NO LASS there'll be nothing". It was the old farmer. In no time at all the fire engines etc. were arriving. I pulled myself together and went back to my truck in a daze and drove onto the site, still couldn't believe what had happened. When I pulled up at the Guard House I was just rooted to my seat and couldn't stop crying, thinking of the Bobs, Alecs and Bills whoever just blown to bits. It was awful and still is. The guard called the Sergeant who took one look at my truck with all the bits and pieces, burns on the canvas and said "she must have been under it." They took me into the Mess and gave me a cup of hot strong tea and 20 minutes by the round stove (they were really kind.) I felt better and had to get on with it, so back to Goxhill. On arriving our MT Officer was concerned; did I need to go to the MO? No Sir, I'll be OK but when I went to bed I couldn't shut my eyes, this terrific explosion flashed before me every time. I was like this for quite a few nights. Another thing I can't bear even to this day to watch a film with planes crashing. I'd shut my eyes or go out of the cinema.

Later in life I often used to think and wish I had gone back to see that farmer and I used to wonder if the families knew where their sons were lying. I was very pleased to hear that a Plaque is being dedicated in Remembrance to those poor souls. I can never forget them or what happened to them.

Driver Marie Harris W/44133 ATS.

In 2000 a plaque commemorating both crews was erected at the site of the War Memorial

Richter crew.

F/S Valentine Richter RAFVR – Pilot – 22 – 103 Sqn - Son of J. Harley Richter and of F. Gladys Richter (nee Bird), of Chingford, Essex – Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Frederick Stanley Copping RAFVR – Flight Engineer - 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Copping, of Walthamstow, Essex - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

F/S Thomas Leslie Hobson Kay RAAF – Air Bomber – 28 – 103 Sqn - Son of Alvin Burnhope Kay and Elizabeth Haysom Kay, of Redhead, New South Wales, Australia - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

F/O Charles Reginald Jacques RAFVR - Navigator– 30 – 103/576 Sqns - Son of Tom and L. Jaques; husband of Gwendoline Betty Jaques, of Winterton, Lincolnshire - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Peter Coopman RAFVR – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner – 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Bertram and Athalie Coopman, husband of Elisabeth Joyce Coopman, of Cropthorne, Worcestershire - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Cyril Walter Plampton RAFVR – Air Gunner – 103/576 Sqns - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Francis Andrew Furrie RAFVR - Air Gunner – 103 Sqn – New Stevenston ( St Patricks ) Roman Catholic Cemetery, North Lanarkshire, Scotland.


Flight Sergeant Valentine Richter RAFVR

Son of J. Harley Richter and of F. Gladys Richter (nee Bird), of Chingford, Essex. This crew he was flying his 3rd operation with a scratch crew.

Flight Sergeant T H Kay RAAF

103 Sqn Kay

Air Bomber in Richter’s crew was Thomas Kay of Redhead via Newcastle, NSW. Son of Alvin Burnhope Kay and Elizabeth Haysom Kay, of Redhead, New South Wales, Australia. Thomas was born in Wingate, Co Durham, UK

A modern languages and history master prior to enlisting on 17 August 1941, he completed his initial training at Bradfield Park, NSW and was later attached to the RAF. He was 28 years of age. He was originally a member of the crew of Frank Law of 103 Sqn which seems to have been split up and used as Odd Bods for some reason. Thomas Kay is buried in the Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire,

Sgt C W Plampton RAFVR

Cyril Plampton, an Air Gunner, was another member of Frank Law’s crew also assigned to Richter’s crew for that tragic night. He is also buried at Cambridge City Cemetery. The picture below shows Frank Law’s crew with Thomas Kay extreme right and Cyril Plampton third from the right.

43 - 44 - 103 Sq -  WO Law and crew copy

Sergeant Francis A Furrie RAFVR

Francic Furrie was an Air Gunner and I believe he was on his first operation. He is buried in the New Stevenson ( St Patrick ) Roman Catholic Cemetery

103 Sqn Furrie grave


Scott Crew

F/S Frederick Roy Scott RAAF - Pilot – 24 – 576 Sqn - Son of Fred and Matilda Scott, of Cabramatta, New South Wales, Australia. - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Stanley Victor Cull RAFVR – Flight Engineer – 18 – 576 Sqn - Son of Stanley and Harriet Cull, of Windsor, Berkshire. - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

F/S Peter Martin Crowle Ellis RAFVR – Air Bomber – 576 Sqn - Son of the Revd. Crowle Ellis, B.A. and Mrs. Crowle Ellis, of The Rectory, Northfield. Birmingham - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt George Gordon Critchley RAFVR – Navigator – 576 Sqn - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt John Hamilton Caldwell RAF – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 21 – 576 Sqn - Grandson of John and Elizabeth Hamilton, of Glasgow - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Brian Price Wicks RAAF – Air Gunner – 21 – 576 Sqn - Son of Horace Arthur and Ada Olive Wicks, of Highgate, South Australia - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Sgt Joseph William Ross RAFVR – Air Gunner - 20 – 576 Sqn - Son of Horace Arthur and Ada Olive Wicks, of Highgate, South Australia - Cambridge City Cemetery, Cambridgeshire.

Flight Sergeant Scott RAAF

 Son of Fred and Matilda Scott, of Cabramatta, New South Wales, Australia. Pictured below back row left with 4 of his crew.

576 Squadron Scott F and air crew

Flight Sergeant B P Wicks RAAF576 Squadron Wicks

Pictured Right - Studio portrait of Flight Sergeant Brian Price Wicks, RAAF of 576 Squadron, RAF from Unley, SA. He was a clerk prior to enlisting in September 1941.

Flight Sergeant Wicks was the Air Gunner In the crew of Flt Sgt F R Scott RAAF. They took off in  Lancaster LM332 from RAF Elsham Wolds, Lincolnshire, on the night on 16 December 1943 for a mission over Berlin. It was their first operation.

The aircraft collided with Lancaster JB670 Flt Sgt Richter and crew of 103 Sqdn also from Elsham Wolds shortly afterwards and crashed near Ulceby North Lincolnshire. All on board both machines were killed. Flt Sgt Scott and his crew are buried at Cambridge City Cemetery

Flt Sgt Wicks was 20 years of age.


Sergeant George Gordon Critchley RAFVR576 Squadron Critchley

Pictured Right - Sergeant Gordon Critchley who was the navigator in Flt Sgt Scott’s 576 Sqdn crew.

Gordon came from a  working class background, his father was a miner in St Helens, Lancs.  They lived in a two up two down miner's terraced house.  Fortunately both Gordon his brother Harold were bright boys and went to the Catholic Grammar School of De La Salle, West Park run by the Jesuit brothers.  When he left school Gordon went into the Civil Service and worked in London.

Harold joined the Navy and after the war studied art. He was a very accomplished artist and became Principal of  St Helens College of Art.


Sergeant Stanley Victor Cull RAFVR.

Pictured below - Flight Engineer Aged 18. Sgt Cull  was amongst the youngest aircrew members of Bomber Command to be killed in WW2

576 Squadron Cull

Item written by David Fell with photos from the Scott, Critchley and Moriarty families and the Australian War Memorial.


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