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S/L Walter H Powdrell RAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1942/43

Failed to Return – 14/15th February 1943 – Avro Lancaster I – W4362 – Op Milan

103 Squadron Powdrell

Walter Powdrell ( pictured above ) was a very interesting chap. He clearly had considerable drive and determination and, if he had survived, doubtless he would have had a fine career.

In the mid 30s Walter worked in a bank in New Zealand. That did not last long and he volunteered for the RAF in 1935/36. In 1936 he was commissioned Pilot Officer and in 1938 was serving with 35 (B) Squadron at RAF Worthy Down about the time they were converting to the Fairey Battle.

The next mention of him is in July 1940 when he was at 17 Operational Training Unit at RAF Upwood. He was involved in an accident on the 15th July 1940 flying Blenheim IV L9171.  Crashed-landed at 0625 hrs at Great Raveley due to an by engine failure.

On the 14th November 1940 he was involved in another incident, this time with 61 Squadron then stationed at RAF Hemswell airfield and flying Handley Page Hampdens. Whilst undertaking an operational flight they were attacked by 3 Spitfires north of Hull who mistook the Hampden for a Dornier 17. It is likely that the aircraft, P4338, had strayed too near Hull and been mistake for a hostile. They were able to make an emergency landing at RAF Leconfield where the undercarriage collapsed due to damage to the hydraulics

Walter Powdrell and his crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds on the 5th November 1942 and flew the following operations.

21-Nov-42 – Biarritz / Biscay coast - Mine laying – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

22-Nov-42 – Stuttgart - Point of Aim – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell - Attacked train.

02-Dec-42 - Frankfurt – Lancaster – W4335 – S/L WH Powdrell - Landed at Oakingham

07-Dec-42 - Terschelling Gat/Frisian Islands – Lancaster – W4363 – S/L WH Powdrell - Shadowed by a single engined night fighter.

09-Dec-42 – Turin – Lancaster – W4363 – S/L WH Powdrell

04-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4363 – S/L WH Powdrell

11-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell – ER - Both starboard engines unserviceable.

12-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

16-Jan-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

17-Jan-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell - Hit by flak. Bomb aimer's position and mid upper turret damaged. Air Bomber injured by Perspex splinter in the eye.

13-Feb-43 – Lorient – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

14-Feb-43 – Milan – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell – FTR - Hit by incendiary bombs. Instrument panel destroyed. Abandoned over the target.


S/L Walter Harry Powdrell RAF – 31 – 103 Sqn - Son of Walter Dutton Powdrell and Myra Powdrell of Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand - Milano War Cemetery, Italy

Sgt JGW Duffield – 103 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW no N/K

P/O AJ Burton – 103 Sqn – POW - Camp L3 – POW no 2589

Sgt AG Rusling – 103 Sqn – POW – Camp L6/L4 – POW no 3869

F/O Charles Edward Nicholson RAFVR – 32 – 103 Sqn - Son of Herbert Leggatt Nicholson and Lily Nicholson; husband of Kathleen Mary Nicholson, of Reigate, Surrey - Runnymede Memorial

P/O DenisYoung RAFVR – Air Gunner – 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Arthur and Ruth Anne Young, of Harlow Hill, Harrogate, Yorkshire. His brother Leslie also died on service - Milano War Cemetery, Italy

Sgt Joseph George Nolan RAFVR – Air Gunner – 22 – 103 Sqn - Son of Joseph and Lilian Nolan, of Tottenham, Middlesex - Milano War Cemetery, Italy


14-Feb-43 – Milan

103 Squadron detailed 9 aircraft for this attack on the Italian city of Milan. There was cloud all the way to the Alps but the target was clear and visually pin pointed in addition to seeing the target indicators. Flak was heavy was intense and in barrage form. Light flak hosepiped up to 10000 ft, Several fighters were sighted. The target was well blitzed. Sgt young and crew returned early due to unserviceable hydraulics and made a wheels up landing at base after jettisoning his bombs. S/L Powdrell and crew failed to return. All other aircraft returned to base.

For this attack on Milan Bomber Command detailed a total of 142 Lancasters of 1, 5 and No 8 Groups and carried out concentrated bombing in good visibility. Fires could be seen from l00 miles away on the return flight. No report is available from Milan. Italian defences were usually weak and only 2 Lancasters were lost on this raid.


Lancaster - W4362

20-Dec-42 – Duisburg – Lancaster – W4362 – F/L JA Temperley

11-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell – ER - Both starboard engines unserviceable.

12-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

16-Jan-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

17-Jan-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell - Hit by flak. Bomb aimer's position and mid upper turret damaged. Air Bomber injured by Perspex splinter in the eye.

13-Feb-43 – Lorient – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell

14-Feb-43 – Milan – Lancaster – W4362 – S/L WH Powdrell – FTR - Hit by incendiary bombs. Instrument panel destroyed. Abandoned over the target.

Item compiled and written by David Fell with much thanks to the Aircraft Accidents in Yorkshire websiteand also the 17 OTU Losses website. Powdrell photo courtesy of the Auckland War Memorial website



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