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[Home] [Profiles 103 Sqn A to M] [Thomas W B Emmott and crew 103 Sqn]

Sgt Thomas W B Emmott RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1942

Failed to Return – 23/24th June 1942 – Vickers Wellington IC – T2921 – Mining Amelande/Dutch Coast

Tom Emmott was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds in the spring of 1942 and flew the following operations :

19-Jun-42 - Ameland/Dutch coast – Wellington – Z1140 – Sgt TWB Emmott

19-Jun-42 – Emden – Wellington – Z1140 – Sgt TWB Emmott

22-Jun-42 – Emden – Wellington – Z1171 – Sgt TWB Emmott

23-Jun-42 - Amelande/ Dutch coast – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt TWB Emmott – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed in the sea near Amelande.

Claim by Oblt Helmut Lent Stab II/NJG2 - Sea 10km North of Terschelling (Tiger?) at 01:12.


Sgt Thomas William Burnett Emmott RAFVR - Pilot – 103 Sqn - Runnymede Memorial

P/O Fred Hall Wood RAFVR – Observer – 32 - 103 Sqn - Husband of Elizabeth Alfreda Wood of Allenheads, Northumberland - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Albert Frank Bissell RNZAF – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner – 27 - 103 Sqn - Son of Albert Francis and Mary Elsie Bissell, of Ruatapu, Westland, New Zealand - Ameland (Nes) General Cemetery, Netherlands

Sgt Alfred Jones RAFVR - Wireless Operator / Air Gunner – 103 Sqn - Ameland (Nes) General Cemetery, Netherlands

Sgt Alfred Brian Scanlan RAFVR – Air Gunner – 27 - 103 Sqn - Son of Fredick Ernest and Constance Markham Scanlan, of Wallington, Surrey - Sage War Cemetery, Germany


23-Jun-42 - Amelande/ Dutch coast

This was a big mining effort by 103 Squadron with 11 aircraft involved. The mines were to be laid in the area of the island of Amelande off the Dutch coast. Weather over the route to the target area was fair. However visibility off the Dutch coast was poor due to thick haze and at 1000 ft 8/10ths and 10/10ths cloud was reported. 9 aircraft returned to base safely with those of Sgt S J Vickery and Sgt T W B Emmott missing. 2 crews were unable to identify the drop area.

On this night Bomber Command detailed 14 Wellingtons and Stirlings to attack St Nazaire but only 3 crews bombed the target. 52 aircraft minelaying off Lorient, Verdon and St Nazaire and also the Frisians. 3 aircraft failed to return


Wellington T2921.

This machine had a short career and was lost after just over a month on its 10th operation.

05-Apr-42 – Cologne – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt REV Pugh - Caught in search lights over target. Evasive action. Lost height to 3,000 ft. Aircraft damaged by both heavy and light flak and landed at Middle Wallop

08-Apr-42 – Hamburg – Wellington – T2921 – F/L CK Saxelby

24-Apr-42 – Rostock – Wellington – T2921 – F/S CL Bray RCAF

25-Apr-42 – Dunkirk – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt BJ Staniland - Unable to locate target due cloud to and ground haze

26-Apr-42 – Dunkirk – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt BJ Staniland

28-Apr-42 – Kiel – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt GW Lewis

08-May-42 – Warnemunde – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt BJ Staniland

01-Jun-42 – Essen – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt NV Gill

22-Jun-42 – Emden – Wellington – T2921 – P/O JH Gilby

23-Jun-42 - Amelande/ Dutch coast – Wellington – T2921 – Sgt TWB Emmott - FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed in the sea near Amelande.

Item compiled by David Fell with thanks to John Jones.


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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