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W/O Stanley John Kozlowski RCAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1941

Killed in Accident whilst serving with 37 Squadron in Malta – Vickers Wellington IC – DV483.

37 Squadron Kozlowski

Stanley Kozlowski ( pictured above ) was the son of a Polish diplomat working in Canada. He was born in Montreal and was educated at Lisgar Collegiate where he was elected president of the schools student council in his senior year.

He was posted to 103 Squadron just after their arrival at Elsham Wolds in the summer of 1941 and flew a handful of operations with F/O Purcivall and crew as co-pilot before being promoted to captain of his own crew.

His crew consisted of :-

Sgt Pugh,

Sgt Goodfellow

Sgt Walker

Sgt O'Hagen

Sgt Thomas

Stanley Kozlowski and his crew flew the following operations with 103 Squadron.

29-Aug-41 - Le Havre – Wellington – R1538 – Sgt Kozlowski RCAF - Unable to locate primary. Bombed airfield near Le Havre

31-Aug-41 – Essen – Wellington – X9792 – Sgt Kozlowski RCAF

03-Sep-41 – Brest – Wellington – X9665 – Sgt Kozlowski RCAF - Did not receive recall. Attacked estimated position of warships through smoke screen. Landed at Abingdon

07-Sep-41 – Kiel – Wellington – Z8843 – Sgt Kozlowski RCAF -  Early Return – Aircraft flying  starboard wing low.

20-Sep-41 – Frankfurt – Wellington – Z8843 – Sgt  Kozlowski RCAF – Aborted - General recall because of worsening weather at base. Bombed Ostend.

In late September they were transferred to 37 Squadron who were serving in North Africa.

Sgt Pugh remained with 103 Squadron and was promoted to captain of his own crew. Sgt Kozlowski was allocated another co-pilot from 103 Squadron, Sgt Marcotte who had flown several operations as co-pilot with Sgt Ewart and crew

Another 103 Squadron crew was also transferred to the Middle East in the summer of 1941, that of Sgt Christopher E L Hare RCAF, who ended up with 37 Squadron.


37 Squadron Kozlowsi and crew

Above – The Kozlowski crew pictured in N Africa - L to R O’Hagan, Marcotte, Walker, Kozlowski, Goodfellow and Thomas

At the time of writing I know nothing of Stanley Kozlowski's career with 37 Squadron other than the circumstances of his final operation which ended tragically at Luqa airfield on the island of Malta.

He was killed on 8th March 1942. In the dark he was taxiing Wellington DV483 along the runway prior to take off when DV483 collided with Wellington Z9038, F/O Boyd and crew, which was taking off down the same runway in the opposite direction. Both aircraft burst into flames and rescue attempts were hampered by exploding bombs and mines which had been fitted to both aircraft. Ground personnel were able to rescue 7 of the aircrew from the two aircraft and another was thrown clear by the impact. Three were killed and one missing and one of the injured later died  in No. 45 General Hospital, at St. Patrick’s Barracks, Pembroke.

Stanley Kozlowski was buried at Malta Capuccini Naval Cemetery as were 2 crew members, Sgt Goodfellow and Sgt Walker who had served with 103 Squadron.

Second pilot F/S Marcotte, front gunner Sgt O'Hagan and rear gunner Sgt Thomas were all injured though not seriously. Operations were cancelled.

Dave O’Hagan who is the son of Sgt Vincent O’Hagan, who survived this tragic incident, informs me that the official report is incorrect. His father told him that official account blames Kozlowski for taking off without permission and causing the collision. “ My father’s first hand account and by the way he was never interviewed or asked officially about what happened was their aircraft was stationary at the time at the end of the runway while the pilot, Stan Kozlowski, was outside the aircraft checking on something when the other aircraft taxied into them causing the explosion.”


W/O Stanley John Kozlowski RCAF – Pilot – 27 - 37 Sqn - Son of Hilary and Mary Kozlowski of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Malta Capuccini Naval Cemetery Malta.

Sgt Emrys Goodfellow RAFVR – Observer – 28 – 37 Sqn - Malta Capuccini Naval Cemetery Malta.

Sgt Henry Norman Walker RAAF – Wireless Operator/Air Gunner – 23 – 37 Sqn - Son of Henry Montague Walker and Daisy Jeanette Walker of Burwood, Victoria, Australia - Malta Capuccini Naval Cemetery Malta.

Compiled by David Fell. Top photo courtesy of Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Crew photo courtesy of Kozlowski family and also Dave O’Hagan.



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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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