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S/L Sidney H Fox DFM RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1942

Failed to Return – 24/25th October 1942 – Handley Page Halifax II – W1188 – Op Milan.

103 Squadron Fox

Sidney Horace Fox was born in 1914 to James Richard and Annie Fox. The family moved to Woking when he was 3. He attended Woking Grammar School and later worked in accounting and banking. I believe he did learn to fly pre war. Sidney joined the RAF at the start of WW2 and volunteered for aircrew training as a bomber pilot. In September 1940 he married Bessie, a Woking girl.

On 11 February 1941 whilst serving with 83 Sqn Sidney was awarded the DFM for distinguished flying, excellent leadership and devotion to duty whilst over Germany and German occupied territory.

By 1942 Sidney was posted to 103 Sqn as a F/L and promoted to S/L soon after. Whilst with the Squadron he completed 2 operations and Wellingtons and 7 on Halifaxes being shot down on his 10th op. At that time he was a flight commander and one of he few experienced pilots on the Squadron. This was another grievous blow to the Squadron at an extremely difficult time.

In his book ‘Ticket To Freedom’, his navigator, Herbert “Dizzy” Spiller described him as ‘the epitome of a bomber captain, keen, pugnacious and overtly fearless... the complete commander’.

Sydney Fox and his crew flew the following operations :-

22-Jun-42 – Emden – Wellington – DV878 – F/L SH Fox

25-Jun-42 – Bremen – Wellington – Z1171 – F/L SH Fox

01-Aug-42 – Dusseldorf – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

07-Aug-42 – Duisburg – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

18-Aug-42 – Flensburg – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH - Fox

27-Aug-42 – Kassel – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

08-Sep-42 – Frankfurt – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

10-Sep-42 – Dusseldorf – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

14-Sep-42 – Wilhelmshaven – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox – Did not take off

05-Oct-42 – Aachen – Halifax – W1182 – S/L SH Fox

24-Oct-42 – Milan – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed south east of Bar-Le-Duc, France

Dizzy Spiller relates in his book that on the evening of 24 October, 27 year old Sidney was Captain aboard Halifax W1188 which took off from Elsham at 18.28. Their target that night was Milan, Italy.

The aircraft was either intercepted by Luftwaffe night fighters or hit by flak over France. An ‘incandescent missile’ pierced the fuselage and bounced across the navigator's table. The port wing and engine caught fire. As Sidney wrestled with the controls and activated the fire extinguishers he gave the order to bale out. Spiller had to kick open the escape hatch which had jammed. Spiller, Maddocks and Wollerton parachuted to safety. Fitzsimmons may have parachuted too late as he followed the correct parachute drill. The remaining crew were killed.

Sid Fox’s Halifax crashed between Nant-le-Grand and Ligny-en-Barrois 12 kms. south-east of Bar-le-Duc in France. Of the eight crew members of Halifax W1188 that night, five were killed. Two Halifaxes of 103 Sqn. were lost on this mission which was the last before being re-equipped with Lancasters.

Below - Wreckage of W1188

103 Squadron Halifax W1188 wreckage


103 Squadron Spiller and friend

Above -  Dizzy Spiller ( Left ) and a pal pictured post war

S/L Sidney Horace Fox DFM RAFVR – Pilot – 27 – 103 Sqn - Son of James Richard and Annie Fox, of Woking, Surrey; husband of Bessie Gwendoline Fox of Woking - Nant-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt Henry Frederick Wood RAFVR - Pilot – 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of James Thomas Albert Wood, and of Ada Gertrude Wood of South Ockendon, Essex; husband of Elsie Wood. - Nant-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt Lawrence Fitzsimmons RAF – Flight Engineer - 22 – 103 Sqn – Son of Roger and Mary Jane Fitzsimmons, of Leicester - Nant-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France

W/O Herbert J Spiller RAFVR ( pictured above ) – Navigator – 103 Sqn – Evader.

See Note 1 at the foot of this page for more details of Herbert Spiller

F/S R Maddocks – 103 Sqn – POW – Camp L1/L6/L4 – POW No 838

P/O G Wollerton – 103 Sqn – POW – Camp L3 – POW No 785

Sgt Philip Charles Heath RAFVR – Air Gunner – 27 – 103 Sqn - Son of Ethel M. Heath, and stepson of Richard Harvey of Putney, London - Nant-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France

F/S Norman Alexander Mercer RAF ( pictured below ) – Air Gunner - 22 – 103 Sqn – Son of William and Helen Mercer of Aberdeen - Nant-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France

103 Squadron Mercer Fox crew

F/S Norman Alexander Mercer RAF


24-Oct-42 – Milan

103 Squadron detailed 11 aircraft for this attack on the Italian city of Aachen. Much cloud was encountered ending in a huge front this side of the Alps but over the mountains it was clear. It was therefore most disappointing to find it increase to 10/10ths on the opposite side and over the target.   area. However red glows were seen reflected in the cloud and these were thought to be from fires caused by the force of Lancasters which attacked this target during the day and these were bombed with confidence. Moderate heavy but inaccurate flak and few searchlights were the defences encountered. P/O Rose was attacked by a fighter near Switzerland on the way to the target and suffered severe damage before reaching cloud cover. His guns in the rear turret and one in the mid upper had frozen up and little return fire was possible. Sgts Smith and Bayliss returned early and Sgt Roper failed to take off in spite of his willingness to do so. His machine was unserviceable. S/L Fox and crew and Sgt Claridge and crew both failed to return.

For this attack on Milan Bomber Command detailed a total of 71 aircraft of 1 and 3 Groups and the Pathfinders - 25 Halifaxes, 23 Stirlings, 23 Wellingtons - continued the attack on Milan. 4 Wellingtons and 2 Stirlings were lost, 8.5 per cent of the force.

Storms en route dispersed the bomber force; some aircraft flew over Switzerland and were 'warned' by anti-aircraft fire. Only 39 aircraft claimed to have bombed Milan and local reports say that little further damage was caused there.


Halifax W1188

103 Squadron Halifax W1188 Flossie

This machine ( pictured above ) was lost on its 10th operation.

01-Aug-42 – Dusseldorf – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

07-Aug-42 – Duisburg – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

18-Aug-42 – Flensburg – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

27-Aug-42 – Kassel – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

08-Sep-42 – Frankfurt – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

10-Sep-42 – Dusseldorf – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox

14-Sep-42 – Wilhelmshaven – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox – Did not take off

13-Oct-42 – Kiel – Halifax – W1188 – F/L GN Parker

15-Oct-42 – Cologne – Halifax – W1188 – P/O JC Rose RAAF

24-Oct-42 – Milan – Halifax – W1188 – S/L SH Fox – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed south east of Bar-Le-Duc, France

Note 1 - Herbert Dizzy Spiller DFM

Herbert Spiller was able to evade capture thanks to the courage and dedication of numerous French civilians.

He joined the RAF prewar and trained as an Air Observer in the UK. He was posted on 98 Sqn flying Fairey Battles and transferred to France in 1940. In late May he was posted to 12 Sqn, also on Battles, as a replacement and returned with the Sqn to Binbrook UK in July 1940. Here he continued with 12 Sqn flying a tour on Wellingtons when he was awarded a DFM. In Oct 1941 he was posted to 12 OTU at Warden and then to 103 Sqn at Elsham Wolds in May 42. Here he navigated for such Elsham notables as Holford, Constantine, Edwards and Sqdn Ldr Fox DFM.

After his evasion from occupied Europe he was posted to 511 Sqn at Lyneham in Feb 1943 where he stayed till the end of the war. This unit was engaged solely in the long range transport of VIPs. Bert flew extensively in North Africa, Italy, the Middle East and even to Russia and the Indian sub continent. His log book ends in Nov 1945.

F/S Norman Alexander Mercer RAF

Born in Aberdeen on 9 August 1920, son of William Mercer, Joiner and Helen Mercer of 64 Forest Avenue, Aberdeen. He attended RGC Junior School and his interests included Scouting, Football and Cricket. He did not enjoy good health and, upon leaving Gordon's, he took up employment in his father's business. He was called up as a Territorial in August 1939. He trained as an air gunner and was shortly promoted to rank of sergeant. He was engaged in the Battle of the Atlantic and had many thrilling experiences such as 18 hours in a dinghy out in the ocean. He also took part in the bombing of the Bismark. Norman was later transferred to the Ferrying Command in the Middle East and gained the rank of Flight Sergeant. In May 1942, he was attached to the Bomber Command and became rear gunner on the Squadron Leader's plane. He took part in the "1,000 planes" attack on Bremen and Cologne. He was recommended for a commission but did not live to receive this as he lost his life in a raid over Milan along with his Squadron Leader and three other members of the crew. He died aged 22.

Item compiled by David Fell with thanks to the Woking Grammar School website. Photos courtesy of the Fox and Spiller families. Also special thanks to Wessel Scheer for the Mercer photo and bio


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