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Sgt Sidney A Claridge RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1942

Failed to Return – 24/25th October 1942 – Handley Page Halifax II – W1223 – Op Milan.

Sidney Claridge was posted to 103 Squadron Conversion Flight at RAF Elsham Wolds late July/early August 1942 and then to 103 Squadron proper a short time later. He and his crew then completed 8 ops from the 8th Sept 1942 to the 24th October 1942 all in Halifaxes. They were lost on their 9th op.

08-Sep-42 – Frankfurt – Halifax – BB202 – Sgt SA Claridge - Hit by flak. Landed at Scampton.

10-Sep-42 – Dusseldorf – Halifax – BB221 – Sgt SA Claridge

14-Sep-42 – Bremen – Halifax – BB221 – Sgt SA Claridge - Diverted to Mildenhall

02-Oct-42 – Krefeld – Halifax – DT506 – Sgt SA Claridge

05-Oct-42 – Aachen – Halifax – W7772 – Sgt SA Claridge

06-Oct-42 – Osnabruck – Halifax – W7772 – Sgt SA Claridge

13-Oct-42 – Kiel – Halifax – BB223 – Sgt SA Claridge

15-Oct-42 – Cologne – Halifax – W1217 – Sgt SA Claridge

24-Oct-42 – Milan – Halifax – W1223 – Sgt SA Claridge – FTR - Crashed north east of Compiegne, France.

 Probably a night fighter victim although possibly not. I seem to recall years ago it was suggested that this could have been a weather related loss as there were no German night fighter claims that tallied with this loss but storms outbound over France the Alps were reported


103 Squadron  Molesworth, Ward and Claridge

Above - L to R Molesworth, Ward and Claridge. Ward was not a member of this crew.

103 Squadron Molesworth and Wagstaff

Above L to R James Molesworth and Ernest Wagstaff

Sgt Sidney Arthur Claridge RAFVR – Pilot - 20  - 103 Sqn - Son of Sidney Arthur and Daisy Claridge, of Stanmore, Middlesex - Moulin-Sous-Touvant Comunal Cemetery, France.

Sgt Bernard Dudley Swain RAF ( pictured below ) – Flight Engineer – 22 - 103 Sqn - Son of Charles and Mabel Constance Swain, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; husband of Mary Swain, of Calgary - Moulin-Sous-Touvant Comunal Cemetery, France.

P/O Ernest Adam Wagstaff RAFVR - Observer - 34 – 103 Sqn - Son of William Adam and Mary Wagstaff, of Nottingham. Ph.D., B.Sc. - Moulin-Sous-Touvant Comunal Cemetery, France.

Ernest was a most interesting and intelligent chap. He was a chemist by profession and amongst his hobbies were Norman Castles and and the writings of Chesterton and Belloc.

Sgt Stanley Victor Goodhew RAFVR – Air Bomber – 23 – 103 Sqn - Son of Arthur Ernest and Christina Goodhew, of Ealing, Middlesex - Moulin-Sous-Touvant Comunal Cemetery, France.

F/S Ronald Ward Taylor RAAF – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 27 – 103 Sqn - Son of Nelson and Gwendoline Taylor, of Parkdale, Victoria. Australia.

Sgt Kevin William McAuliffe RAFVR – Air Gunner – 22 – 103 Sqn - Son of William and Mary McAuliffe, of Cork, Republic of Ireland - Moulin-Sous-Touvant Comunal Cemetery, France.

Sgt James Molesworth RCAF – Air Gunner – 24 – 103 Sqn - Son of Frederick James Molesworth and Lillian Molesworth, of Lansing, Ontario, Canada - Moulin-Sous-Touvant Comunal Cemetery, France.

103 Squadron Swain

Sgt Bernard Dudley Swain RAF

103 Squadron Molesworth Claridge

Sgt James Molesworth RCAF

Most unusually the Germans gave this crew a funeral with full military honours. This was recorded and photographed by a Swiss Red Cross representative who was visiting the area at the time. Several photos were taken and copies sent to the next of kin by the Red Cross. See photo below which shows the Honour Guard and local priest at the funeral. It is not known why the Germans should take this trouble as this was not usually the case, certainly not by 1942. It may have been something to do with the Red Cross representative who was clearly there on official business.

103 Squadron Claridge crew funeral

103 Squadron Claridge Graves


24-Oct-42 – Milan

103 Squadron detailed 11 aircraft for this attack on the Italian city of Aachen. Much cloud was encountered ending in a huge front this side of the Alps but over the mountains it was clear. It was therefore most disappointing to find it increase to 10/10ths on the opposite side and over the target.   area. However red glows were seen reflected in the cloud and these were thought to be from fires caused by the force of Lancasters which attacked this target during the day and these were bombed with confidence. Moderate heavy but inaccurate flak and few searchlights were the defences encountered. P/O Rose was attacked by a fighter near Switzerland on the way to the target and suffered severe damage before reaching cloud cover. His guns in the rear turret and one in the mid upper had frozen up and little return fire was possible. Sgts Smith and Bayliss returned early and Sgt Roper failed to take off in spite of his willingness to do so. His machine was unserviceable. S/L Fox and crew and Sgt Claridge and crew both failed to return.

For this attack on Milan Bomber Command detailed a total of 71 aircraft of 1 and 3 Groups and the Pathfinders - 25 Halifaxes, 23 Stirlings, 23 Wellingtons - continued the attack on Milan. 4 Wellingtons and 2 Stirlings were lost, 8.5 per cent of the force.

Storms en route dispersed the bomber force; some aircraft flew over Switzerland and were 'warned' by anti-aircraft fire. Only 39 aircraft claimed to have bombed Milan and local reports say that little further damage was caused there.


Halifax W1223

This machine completed 12 operations mostly with P/O Douglas and crew

27-Aug-42 – Kassel – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JC Rose RAAF

28-Aug-42 – Nuremberg – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas – Did not take off – Aircraft unserviceable

01-Sep-42 – Saarbrucken – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

02-Sep-42 – Karlsruhe – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

04-Sep-42 – Bremen – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

08-Sep-42 – Frankfurt – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas - Hit by flak. All instruments fused and unserviceable. Bombs jettisoned to gain height. Both inner engines hit and leaking badly.

10-Sep-42 – Dusseldorf – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

02-Oct-42 – Krefeld – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

05-Oct-42 – Aachen – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

06-Oct-42 – Osnabruck – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

13-Oct-42 – Kiel – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

15-Oct-42 – Cologne – Halifax – W1223 – P/O JK Douglas

24-Oct-42 – Milan – Halifax – W1223 - Sgt SA Claridge – FTR - Crashed north east of Compiegne, France.

Item compiled by David Fell with thanks to Kate Hopper who provided some excellent input and photos some years ago. Swain newspaper cutting and Molesworth ID photo from the Canadian Virtual War Memorial. Other photos may have come from the Claridge family but it is a long time ago and I cannot recall now.


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