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Roy John Alexander Leslie DSO AFC RAF and crew - 103 Squadron – 1941 - 36255/ NZ2427

103 Squadron Leslie crew

Roy Leslie 4th from left

L to R - Gordon Lapping (AG), Jim Lovelace ( Wop/AG), Jimmy Cobb ( 2nd pilot), Leslie, Al Fawley ( Nav) Frank Hart (AG)

New Zealander Roy Leslie was probably a pre war RAF recruit from New Zealand or he may have been living in the UK at the time of his enlistment and was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds from 12 OTU Benson on the 16th July 1941.

He flew one operation as a co-pilot with Roy Max and crew - 22/23 July 41 - Frankfurt - J1538

and was then promoted to full captain and his crew was as follows :-

F/O R J A Leslie

P/O O B Hughes later P/O J Cobb

P/O A P Fawley

Sgt J Lovelace

Sgt Lapping

Sgt Hart

103 Squadron Lovelace

James Lovelace

02-Aug-41 - Cherbourg - Docks and shipping - Wellington - R1539 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF

05-Aug-41 - Frankfurt - Railway station - Wellington - R1539 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF - Hit by flak

07-Aug-41 - Essen - Krupps industrial complex - Wellington - R1539 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF

14-Aug-41 - Hannover - Railway station - Wellington - R1539 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF

18-Aug-41 - Duisburg - Railway yards - Wellington - R1445 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF – Early return - Front turret unserviceable

19-Aug-41 - Kiel - Railway yards - Wellington - R1452 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF - On return aircraft went into slow descending turn to starboard. Instruments/radio unsericeable. Static electricity. Corrected when trailing aerial touched surface of sea.

22-Aug-41 - Mannheim - Post office - Wellington - R1393 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF

27-Aug-41 - Mannheim - Post office  - Wellington - X9794 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF

29-Aug-41 - Mannheim - General attack - Wellington - R1539 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF - Encountered electrical storm and unable to climb over 10,000 ft. Bombed secondary.

31-Aug-41 - Essen - Industrial area - Wellington - R1539 – F/O RJA Leslie RAF

In earl September 1941 F/O R J A Leslie and P/O A P Fawley posted to 458 Squadron at Holme on Spalding Moor. This was a new Australian Squadron who were working up and he completed his first tour with them.

He was then posted for training duties, details unknown, and at some stage he was awarded an AFC of which I can find no record.

In the spring of 1944 he was OC 75 New Zealand Squadron with whom he flew a number of operations and was awarded a DSO. Citation below :-

Distinguished Service Order. Acting Wing Commander Roy John Alexander Leslie AFC (36255), R.A.F. 75 (N.Z.) Sqn. This officer has participated in a large number of sorties and has displayed the highest qualities of skill, courage and determination. Since assuming command of the squadron he has led the formation in numerous attacks on various targets. Throughout his leadership has been inspiring and has played an important part in the success achieved. This officer has rendered most valuable service 19th December 1944

He remained in the RAF postwar but retired in March 1958, reasons unknown. I believe he died in New Zealand in 1973 aged 54 and was laid to rest at the Waikumete Cemetery, Auckand. I shall be very interested to find out more about this gentleman.

Compiled by David Fell. Photos from my archive



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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.