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Reginald J Bunten RAFVR and crew – 103 Sqn 166 Sqn - 1943

Reg Bunten's crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds in early May 1943.

The crew ( all Sergeants ) consisted of

Reg Bunten,

Norman Ashton,

Corky Corcoran,

Bill Bailey,

R T Boys,

Eddie Smith

Doug Wilkinson

103 Squadron Bunten crew

Crew - L to R, Ashton, Corcoran, Smith, Bunten, Boys, Wilkinson and Bailey

Their tour was as follows :-

23-May-43 – Dortmund - Point of Aim - Lancaster ED713 Sgt RJ Bunten

23-May-43 - Dortmund - Point of Aim - Lancaster ED773 Sgt RJ Bunten

25-May-43 - Dusseldorf - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED751 - Sgt RJ Bunten

29-May-43 - Wuppertal - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED396 - Sgt RJ Bunten

11-Jun-43 - Dusseldorf - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED396 - Sgt RJ Bunten

12-Jun-43 - Bochum - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED396 - Sgt RJ Bunten

03-Jul-43 - Cologne - Point of Aim - Lancaster - N/K - F/S  RJ Bunten

06-Jul-43 - Minelaying - Gironde River - Mine laying - Lancaster - DV180 - F/S RJ Bunten

08-Jul-43 - Cologne - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - F/S RJ Bunten

09-Jul-43 - Gelsenkirchen - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - F/S RJ Bunten

12-Jul-43 - Turin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - F/S RJ Bunten

27-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Operation Gomorrah - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

29-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Operation Gomorrah - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

30-Jul-43 - Remscheid - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - W/O RJ Bunten

02-Aug-43 - Hamburg - Operation Gomorrah - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten - Engine trouble caused by severe icing

09-Aug-43 - Mannheim - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

10-Aug-43 - Nuremberg - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

14-Aug-43 - Milan - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

31-Aug-43 - Berlin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

03-Sep-43 - Berlin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

05-Sep-43 - Mannheim - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten

06-Sep-43 - Munich - Point of Aim - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RJ Bunten


At this point the crew were posted to 166 Squadron at nearby Kirmington to complete their tour

W/O RJ Bunton,

Sgt JN Ashton,

Sgt KB Corcoran

F/S EC Bailey

Sgt RT Boys

Sgt AE Smith

Sgt DR Wilkinson

18-Sep-43 - Hanover - Lancaster – DV180

23-Sep-43 – Mannheim – Lancaster - DV180

27-Sep-43 – Hanover – Lancaster - DV180

8-Oct-43 - Hanover – Lancaster - DV180

18-Oct-43 – Hanover – Lancaster - DV180

20-Oct-43 – Leipzig – Lancaster - DV180

22-Oct-43 – Kassel – Lancaster - DV180

At this point they were screened and went their separate ways.

Norman Ashton DFC RAFVR

103 Squadron Ashton

Norman joined the RAF in 1940, qualified as an engine fitter and served with 1405 Met Flight at Aldergrove, Northern Ireland. In 1942 he volunteered for aircrew and trained as a Flight Engineer at St Athan. He was then posted to 1656 HCU at Lindholme and joined the crew of Reg Bunten.

On completion of his first tour he spent 6 months as an instructor and then was posted to 156 Pathfinder Squadron where he flew 25 operations which were completed just before VE Day.

By this time he was commissioned and awarded a DFC.

Post war he was a member of the crews that took part in an extended good will tour with ACM Sir Arthur Harris. The three Lancasters involved flew first to Brazil and then Nassau, Washington DC and Montreal. On return to the UK Norman left the RAF for civvy street.

Compiled by David Fell with reference to Norman Ashton's RAF bio – Only Birds and Fools


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*1st October 2023 - Dusseldorf - 1 August 1942

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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.