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P/O Raymond G Eccles RNZAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Newton – 1941

Failed to return – 15/16th May 1941 - Vickers Wellington IC - R1494 – Op Hanover.

Raymond Eccles was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Newton on the 12th March 1941 from 20 OTU at Lossiemouth. He flew his first operation as co-pilot in the crew of F/O Harper to Gelsenkirken in R1445 on the 14/15th March 1941. He then flew 5 more operations with Harper before being given his own crew and completing one operation being lost on the second

10-May-41 – Emden – Wellington – R1539 – P/O RG Eccles RNZAF

15-May-41 – Hanover – Wellington – R1494 - P/O RG Eccles RNZAF – FTR - Crashed east of Veendam, Holland. Last heard on radio stating port engine had failed.

The failure of the engine may have been due to a flak hit or possibly an unconnected engine problem of some description.


103 Squadron Eccles R G

P/O Raymond Gordon Eccles RNZAF ( pictured above ) – 26 – 103 Sqn - Son of Thomas Eccles and of Rebecca Eccles (nee Wilson) of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand – Groningen Esserveld General Cemetery, Netherlands

P/O HJ Sellers - 103 Sqn – POW – Camp No 7C/L3 – POW No 1622

P/O AW Sulston - 103 Sqn – POW – Camp No 10C/L3 – POW No 3723

This airman may have been hospitalised with serious burns.

Sgt EC Easton - 103 Sqn – POW – Camp No 18A/L6/L4 – POW No 23

Sgt SET Hamblin - 103 Sqn – POW – Camp No 18A/357 – POW No 2

Sgt Gordon MacLean RAFVR - 103 Sqn - Groningen Esserveld General Cemetery, Netherlands.

The POW Camp Nos and POW Nos may well be suspect.


15-May-41 – Hanover

The 103 Squadron ORB presents a depressing picture of this operation. 6 aircraft took off from Swanton Morley for some reason. Possibly to shorten the range. 2 other machines failed to take off due to engine problems. Towering cumulus was encountered increasing to 9/10ths over the Dutch coast with tops up to 14000 ft and very low temperatures, -35 C at 16000 ft. Cloud became broken gradually clearing to 2/10ths - 4/10ths in the target area. Conditions improved considerably for the return trip.

Three machines located the target area successfully bombing from heights varying from 13000 ft to 14000 ft. Fires started which were seen 50 miles away.

Flak over Hanover was spasmodic but there were intense searchlight cones although the cones were not as effective as usual. The searchlight line in the Ems valley is reported to have extended to Papenburg.

Sgt Henderson abandoned his mission due to the intense cold releasing his bombs on Wildeshausen.

P/O Ball did not complete his mission. The Observer's parachute opened and the rear turret and recuperator were unserviceable.

P/O Anderson's electrical system failed with a gradual weakening of the intercom. The bombs were released on Eelde airfield.

P/O Eccles reported the failure of one engine on the return trip finally landing in the sea at a position plotted by ground stations as 40 miles from the English coast. No sign was seen of the crew or wreckage by searching aircraft which consisted of five machines over a period of two days. The crew were finally reported as missing.

(For this attack on Hanover Bomber Command detailed a total of 101 aircraft attacked with 3 lost. No reports from Hanover.


Wellington R1494

This machine had a short career completing 2 operations before being lost on its 3rd

17-Apr-41 – Berlin – Wellington – R1494 – S/L Mellor - Failed to reach target. A/C failing to maintain height and speed. Bombed Rheine. On return transit weights found still on aircraft.

05-May-41 – Mannheim – Wellington – R1494 – F/L DDA Kelly

15-May-41 – Hanover – Wellington R1494 – P/O RG Eccles RNZAF – FTR - Crashed east of Veendam, Holland. Last heard on radio stating port engine had failed.

Item compiled and written by David Fell.


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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