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F/O Nebojsa Kujundzic RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1943

Crashed during training – 3rd March 1943 – Avro Lancaster I – W4788 – Duty Daylight Cross Country Flight


Nebojsa Kujundzic ( pictured above ) hailed from Belgrade and pre-war came to England to study Engineering at Leeds University. He graduated in 1941 and was a founder member of the Leeds University Air Squadron.

103 Squadron Kudunzic Leeds University Group

Leeds Uni Air Squadron. Kujundzic back row 3rd from left. Louis Aaron middle row extreme left

Amongst the other cadets with the LUAS at this time was a future VC recipient, Louis Aaron, who was a student at the Leeds School of Architecture. He joined the RAF and trained as a pilot in the USA. On return he was posted from 1656 HCU at Lindholme to 103 Squadron at Elsham Wolds on the 3rd March 1943. Tragically he was killed on a daylight cross country flight the next day.

It is thought that Flying Officer Kujundzic’s crew consisted of:-

Flying Officer N Kujundzic RAFVR

Sergeant Bowen RAFVR

Sergeant E Weare RAFVR

Pilot Officer Marnock

Sergeant Petts

Sergeant S Mosley RAFVR

Sergeant Collins

103 Squadron Kujundzic crew group

On the morning of the 4th March Flying Officer Kujundzic and crew boarded Lancaster W4333 PM-B for a training flight from Elsham Wolds. During this flight one of the Lancaster’s engines caught fire causing serious damage and Neb gave the order for his crew to bale out.  All did so successfully. Flying Officer Kujundzic remained at the controls and the aircraft crashed near Peterborough. It is thought that he stayed with his aircraft to prevent it crashing onto houses in the area below. The aircraft crashed in an orchard at Yaxley near Peterborough. Flying Officer Kujundzic was sadly killed and is buried at Peterborough Eastfield Cemetery.

His crew were devastated upset at the loss of their captain and were full of praise for the way he had handled the aircraft to enable them to escape. Neb’s father and brother were also killed during the war.

F/O Nebojsa Kujundzic RAFVR - Pilot – 24 – 103 Sqn - Son of Vladimir and Mila Kujundzic – Peterbrough Eastfield Cemetery, Northamptonshire

The surviving crew was broken up. The air bomber Sergeant Eric Weare flew 4 operations with Pilot Officer A S Cook and was then transferred to 156 Pathfinder Squadron. He was shot down over Belgium later in the war but baled out and with the help of the Belgian escape organisation evaded for several weeks. He was eventually moved to Paris where he was betrayed and captured by the Germans. He was taken to the notorious Fresnes prison in Paris for what must have been a very difficult interrogation. Later he was transferred to a normal prisoner of war camp.

He survived the war but passed away in 1990.

Sergeant S Mosley flew 1 operation as mid upper gunner with Sergeant S Burton and crew and 4 operations with Flight Lieutenant E C Lee-Brown. On his 5th with this crew to Spezia they were shot down and all killed. He is buried in the Le Mans Cemetery.


Lancaster – W4333

103 Squadron Lancaster W4333

By the time of its loss this machine was something of a veteran and was the regular aircraft of Geoff Maddern and crew who were sorry to lose it.

02-Dec-42 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – W433 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF - Diverted to Middleton-St-George.

20-Dec-42 – Duisburg – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

21-Dec-42 – Munich – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF – Did not take off - Blind flying panel unserviceable.

04-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF – Early return - Rear gunner's oxygen pipe severed.

09-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

11-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

12-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF – Early return - Engine unserviceable.

13-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF – Early return - Conrod broke in port outer engine on take off.

16-Jan-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4333 – F/S EH Burgess – Early return - Late take off & pilot felt he was unable to reach target with main force.

17-Jan-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4333 – F/S EH Burgess - Diverted to Croft.

21-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

23-Jan-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – W4333 – F/S JV Roper

27-Jan-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF - Cookie hung up but was immediately jettisoned. Undertook Sq reconnaissance over target

30-Jan-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF – Early return - Rear turret froze up.

02-Feb-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF - Incendiaries hung up.

04-Feb-43 – Turin – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

11-Feb-43 – Wilhelmshaven – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF - Combat. Attacked by and shot down a single engined night fighter while nearing the target.

13-Feb-43 – Lorient – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

14-Feb-43 – Milan – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

16-Feb-43 – Lorient – Lancaster – W4333 Sgt GM Maddern RAAF

18-Feb-43 – Wilhelmshaven – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt GM Maddern RAAF - Undertook Sq reconnaissance report

26-Feb-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – W4333 – Sgt KLW Lay

03-Mar-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – W4333 – F/O WR Crich

11-Mar-43 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – W4333 – F/S GM Maddern RAAF

Item compiled and written by David Fell. Photos courtesy of the late Mr Hanson, formerly Leeds Uni Air Squadron, Wim Govaerts and my own archive.


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