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Squadron Leader Kenneth James Mellor DSO DFC RAF – 103 Squadron – 1941 – Pilot.

Also served in India and Transport Command with 233 Squadron and was OC RAF Down Ampney

Squadron Leader Mellor

Kenneth James Mellor was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Newton from 15 OTU on the 15th January 1941 as 103 Squadron A Flight Commander.

His tour with 103 Squadron was as follows :-

16-Jan-41 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – T2610 – S/L KJ Mellor

10-Feb-41 – Hanover – Wellington – R1445 – S/L KJ Mellor

25-Feb-41 – Dusseldorf – Wellington – R1452 – S/L KJ Mellor

28-Feb-41 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – R1452 – S/L KJ Mellor

03-Mar-41 – Cologne – Wellington – R1452 – S/L KJ Mellor

12-Mar-41 – Hamburg – Wellington – R1452 – S/L KJ Mellor - Approached by single engined enemy aircraft which veered off after 3 minutes.

14-Mar-41 – Gelsenkirchen – Wellington – R1452 – S/L KJ Mellor

21-Mar-41 – Lorient – Wellington – R1452 – S/L KJ Mellor

30-Mar-41 – Brest – Wellington – W5612 – S/L KJ Mellor - Crash landed on return. Orbiting base. Attacked by intruder. Force landed 1 mile from airfield. Aircraft damaged beyond repair

15-Apr-41 – Kiel – Wellington – R1538 – S/L KJ Mellor - Unknown twin engined enemy aircraft passed in opposite direction in target area.

17-Apr-41 – Berlin – Wellington – R1494 – S/L KJ Mellor - Failed to reach target. Aircraft failing to maintain height and speed. Bombed Rheine. On return the transit weights were found still stowed on the aircraft !


At this stage Squadron Leader Mellor was posted from 103 Squadron and went on to have a fine RAF career being awarded a DSO DFC, completing 4 tours and rising the the rank of Group Captain.

See citations below courtesy of Hugh Halliday.

MELLOR, Kenneth James, G/C (37018, Royal Air Force) - No.233 Squadron - Distinguished Service Order - awarded as per London Gazette dated 19 October 1945. Born in Margate, 1915. Educated at King Edward VI School, Tolnes. Home in Bournemouth. Commissioned in RAF in September 1934; served in Iraq, November 1935 to 1938. His first squadron command was in December 1941 (but see citation). Eight months later he went to Headquarters, No.169 Wing, India for Air Staff duties. Mentioned in Despatches, July 1945. In July 1945 he took command of Station Down Ampney. No citation in Gazette; following text from Air Ministry Bulletin and Flight, 8 November 1945.

"Group Captain Mellor has commanded an operational squadron since 1940. He has an exceptional record of skill and ability both in Bomber and Transport Commands, having completed four tours of duty. He led his squadron during all the North European airborne operations, showing courage and determination of a high order on all occasions. His courage and devotion to duty have set a fine example to his squadron."


S/L Kenneth J Mellor DSO DFC RAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Newton – 1941

Crashed on Return – 30/31st March 1941 – Wellington I – W5612 – Op Brest.

Crew - S/L K J Mellor, Sgt Elliott, F/O A Roberts, F/S McCudden, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hamblin

103 Squadron Vickers Wellington W5612

W5612 pictured above in a rather sad condition after its forced landing on the 31st March 41. It is surprising that none of the crew were seriously injured.

103 Squadron McCudden and Roberts

Left - Sgt McCudden and Right F/O Arthur Roberts.

This crew bombed from 11000 ft south west of the target. On the return journey the MF coil burnt out. Whilst circling base with navigation lights on an attack was made by a single engined aircraft damaging fabric and piercing tanks. The rear gunner was not in his turret. The machine steadily lost height and force landed a mile from RAF Newton. S/L Mellor sustained slight cuts on his leg otherwise no injuries to the crew. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair.

Note – It seems unlikely that a German intruder would be a single engined aircraft but I will leave it at that.


30-Mar-41 – Brest

103 Squadron detailed 8 aircraft for this interesting attack on the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in the French port of Brest. All machines carried 500 lb semi armour piercing bombs and each reported to have bombed the target area. However no results could be observed because of the intense searchlight activity. Two crews made several runs over the target to ensure the exact location before releasing their bomb load. An me 109 was reported by one crew passing within 15 yards but did not fire. S/L Mellor and crew were attacked by an intruder while circling the base aerodrome with their navigation lights on.. The attack was made from the port bow causing damage to fabric and petrol tank. The rear gunner was not in his turret at the time. The aircraft gradually lost height and force landed a mile from the airfield. S/L Mellor sustained cuts to his leg but no other injuries to the rest of the crew. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair. The remaining aircraft were diverted to Waddington.

Wing Commander Littler's aircraft crash landed at Mudford, Yeovil. W/C Littler was killed and his crew sustained minor injuries

For this attack on the German capital ships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau at Brest Bomber Command detailed 109 aircraft. No hits were achieved or claimed but bombs were seen to burst around both ships and the dock.


Wellington W5612.

This aircraft was newly delivered and on its first trip.

Item compiled and written by David Fell with thanks to Hugh Halliday. Photos from my archive


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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