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P/O John E Holden RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1944

Failed to Return – 3/4th May 1944 – Avro Lancaster III – ND411 – Op Mailly-le-Camp

John Holden ( pictured below ) came from Bankfoot, Bradford, Yorkshire and trained as a pilot in North America

103 Squadron Holden

John and his crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds on the 13th April 1944 from 11 Base. Sadly they were lost on their first operation. See below :-

03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O JE Holden – FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Beauchery-St Martin, France.

A reliable source has informed me that years ago he contacted both Martin Drewes and Rolf Ebhardt about the two Lancasters that crashed around Beauchery that night. From this correspondence it was clear that Martin Drewes shot down Holden’s crew. Drewes’ crew member saw a Lancaster at 12,000ft and attacked from  underneath. After a burst of fire the tail came off and the bomber went  straight down crashing in a field to the north of Beauchery.

Ebhardt shot down the Carter crew of 12 Squadron who were on the 19th op of their tour. Ebhardt picked up the Carter Lancaster flying home (as was Holden) some  way prior to Beauchery and made a few attacks until sufficient damage  was done to bring the Lancaster down. This Lancaster unfortunately  crashed upon a house in the village with a female occupant and her small daughter killed as well as the crew. Septamus Johnson the rear gunner  being the only survivor.

Having said that another source credits the Holden crew to Oblt Rolf Ebhardt of 8/NJG1.

Theo Boiten suggests that this aircraft was claimed by 1-4/gem Flak Abt 593. Crashed at Beauchery at 01:05. Per John Jones

Both Holden and Carter crews are buried in Beauchery Cemetery and co-incidentally both pilots came from Bradford in West Yorkshire


P/O John Edgar Holden RAFVR – Pilot - 20 – 103 Sqn - Son of Percy and Trixie Louise Holden of Bankfoot, Bradford, Yorkshire – Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt James Ernest Moore RAFVR – Flight Engineer - 103 Sqn - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt Terence William Sykes RAFVR – Navigator - 20 - 103 Sqn - Son of William and Constance Maud Sykes of Northampton - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt Arthur Arnold McCallum RCAF ( pictured below ) – Air Gunner - 103 Sqn - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

F/S Clifford Samuel Gay RAAF ( pictured below ) – Air Bomber - 27 - 103 Sqn - Son of Samuel Archibald and Florence Annette Gay; husband of Dorothy Mavis Gay of Murrumbeena, Victoria, Australia - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt Robert Arthur Wilson RAFVR – Wireless Operator - 103 Sqn - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

Sgt Fred Carson Hoxford RCAF ( pictured below ) – Air Gunner - 103 Sqn - Beauchery Communal Cemetery, France

103 Squadron Gay RAAF

F/S Clifford Samuel Gay RAAF

103 Squadron McCallum Holden

Sgt Arthur Arnold McCallum RCAF

103 Squadron Hoxford Holden

Sgt Fred Carson Hoxford RCAF


03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp

This attack is described the Mailly-Le-Camp Article in the relevant section.


Lancaster – ND411

This machine was lost on its 15th operation. All the others were flown by P/O K W Mitchell and crew. See below :-

24-Feb-44 – Schweinfurt – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell

25-Feb-44 – Augsburg – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell

15-Mar-44 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell - Landed at Burlingthorpe

18-Mar-44 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell

22-Mar-44 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell

24-Mar-44 – Berlin – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell

26-Mar-44 – Essen – Lancaster – ND411 – Sgt KW Mitchell

30-Mar-44 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell - Landed at Hunsden

09-Apr-44 - Gdynia Bay – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell

10-Apr-44 – Aulnoye – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell

23-Apr-44 - Borholm & Pomeranian Bay – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell

24-Apr-44 – Karlsruhe – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell

26-Apr-44 – Essen – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell

01-May-44 – Lyons – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O KW Mitchell

03-May-44 – Mailly-le-Camp – Lancaster – ND411 – P/O JE Holden - FTR - Night fighter victim. Crashed at Beauchery-St Martin, France.


Beauchery-Saint-Martin Communal Cemetery.

About 10 years ago the Mailly le Camp Commemoration Group visited Beauchery-Saint-Martin to lay wreaths in memory of the 2 crews laid to rest there. See photos below.

Beauchery presentation 

Above - The late Tim Nicoll on the left gives a presentation address to the 2 local dignitaries representing the community of Beauchery-Saint-Martin. On the right Janet Marsden who translated.

Beauchery Graves

Above - The graves of the 2 crews at Beauchery. The graves on the left are collective graves with 2 names on each. John Holden is commemorated on the grave stone 2nd from the left. The lady is a relative of one of the 12 Squadron crew. There are 3 representatives of the ATC, 3 Mailly RAF veterans and the 2 representatives of the Beauchery-Saint-Martin community who hosted the event so splendidly.


Item compiled by David Fell with thanks to Martin Whitcombe and the Holden family for photos of John Holden and the Rolf Ebhardt and background info. The Beauchery photos came from my archive. Thanks to John Jones for his input


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