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Horace Alfred England DFC RAFO and crew – 103 Squadron – 1943

103 Squadron England

Horace England ( pictured above ) was an experienced pre war member of the Reserve of Air Force Officers. He spent the early years of the war with Training Command was serving at 81 OTU in late 1942/early 1943.

He was posted with his crew to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds from 1656 HCU on the 14th March 1943. His crew was as shown below and flew largely unchanged. Navigator Brian Stoker flew with the as a replacement on 2 occasions.

F/L H A England

Sgt F Carling

Sgt A J Parfitt

Sgt L J Comer

Sgt J Wadsworth

Sgt D Cannon

Sgt F J A Frey

This crew completed a hard tour through the Battle of the Ruhr and beyond as follows :-

27-Mar-43 - Berlin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - F/L HA England

28-Mar-43 - St Nazaire - U Boat base - Lancaster - ED731 - F/L HA England

03-Apr-43 - Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - F/L HA England

04-Apr-43 - Kiel - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - F/L HA England – Early Return - Difficulty maintaining height due to a failed SO engine and over heating SI engine.

08-Apr-43 - Duisburg - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - F/L HA England

09-Apr-43 - Duisburg - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

13-Apr-43 - La Spezia - Naval base and docks - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England – Early Return - Repeater compass became desynchronised. Landed at base.

16-Apr-43 - Pilsen - Skoda industrial complex - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

20-Apr-43 - Stettin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

26-Apr-43 - Duisburg - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

30-Apr-43 - Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster - N/K - S/L HA England

12-May-43 - Duisburg - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

13-May-43 - Bochum - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

23-May-43 - Dortmund - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED945 - S/L HA England

25-May-43 - Dusseldorf - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED945 - S/L HA England

27-May-43 - Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED945 - S/L HA England

11-Jun-43 - Dusseldorf - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED945 - S/L HA England

22-Jun-43 - Mulheim - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED731 - S/L HA England

25-Jun-43 - Gelsenkirchen - Point of Aim - Lancaster - ED904 - S/L HA England

03-Jul-43 - Cologne - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

08-Jul-43 - Cologne - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

09-Jul-43 - Gelsenkirchen - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

12-Jul-43 - Turin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England - Landed at Exeter

27-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Operation Gomorrah - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

29-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Operation Gomorrah - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

02-Aug-43 - Hamburg - Operation Gomorrah - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

07-Aug-43 - Turin - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

09-Aug-43 - Mannheim - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England

10-Aug-43 - Nuremberg - Point of Aim - Lancaster - JA704 - S/L HA England


The London Gazette Records Horace England's long career as follows :-

3rd Sept 1940 - The undermentioned Pilot Officers are promoted to the rank of Flying Officer

10th Sept. 1943  - Distinguished Flying Cross - Acting Squadron Leader Horace Alfred ENGLAND (40899) Reserve of Air Force Officers, No. 103 Squadron.

ENGLAND Horace Alfred A/S/L 40899 Royal Air Force no.103 Distinguished Flying Cross awarded as per London Gazette dates 10 September 1943 Following text from Air Ministry Bulletin 11391.

Squadron Leader England has completed numerous operational sorties, the majority of which have been against heavily defended targets in the Ruhr Valley.   An outstanding captain of aircraft, he has shown a fine fighting spirit which, combined with his cheerful disposition and determination, has been an inspiring example to his crew.  As a flight commander his coolness and devotion to duty have contributed in a large measure to the successes achieved by his flight.

28th May 1946 - Extended service (four years on the active list).* Acting Squadron Leader Horace Alfred England D.F.C. (40899).

5th August 1947 – Flight Lieutenant to Squadron Leader Horace Alfred England, D.F.C. (40899).

7th Oct. 1948 – General Duties Branch. Appointment to commission. As Squadron Leaders (permanent) Horace Alfred England D.F.C. (40899).

1st January 1954 - Squadron Leader to Wing Commander:— H. A. England D.F.C. (40899)

Horace England finally retired :-

29th January 1974 – Retirement. H. A. England D.F.C. (40899)

Item compiled by David Fell with photo from my archive.


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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