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Sgt W R Jones RAFVR and F/O H W Dugard RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron - RAF Elsham Wolds – 1943

Failed to Return – 12/13th March 1943 – Avro Lancaster I – ED419 – Op Essen

Harry Dugard's crew were posted to 103 Sqn on the 26th February 1943 from 1656 HCU at RAF Lindholme. In their short period with 103 Sqn they flew the following operations -

03-Mar-43 - Hamburg - Lancaster - W4364 - P/O HW Dugard

11-Mar-43 - Stuttgart - Lancaster - W4827 - F/O HW Dugard

12-Mar-43 - Essen - Lancaster - ED419 - F/O HW Dugard - FTR - Crashed at Grosse Reken, Germany.


Sadly all the crew were killed and rest in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery

F/O Harry Welland Dugard RAFVR - Pilot – 28 – 103 Sqn - Son of Percy William and Hilda Marguerite Dugard, of Harborne, Birmingham – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

Sgt Edwin Carlo Fermanian RAFVR – Flight Engineer – 35 – 103 Sqn - Son of Carlo Paul Fermanian and Janet Augusta Fermanian; husband of Gladys Fermanian – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

P/O Peter Graham Harris RAFVR – Navigator – 26 – 103 Sqn - Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Harris; husband of Pauline Millicent Harris, of Riverside, Cardiff – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt Ronald Alfred Gerrard RAFVR – Air Bomber – 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Alfred Arthur and Dorothy Phoebe Marie Gerrard; husband of Eileen Winifred Gerrard, of Dulwich Village, London – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt William Richard Jones RAFVR – Wireless Operator / Air gunner – 103 Sqn – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt Percival Edwin Trew RAFVR – 103 Sqn – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt William Andrews RAF - Air Gunner – 103 Sqn – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.


12-Mar-43 - Essen

103 Squadron detailed 7 aircraft for this attack on the German city of Essen. This second successful “ Blitz “ raid on Essen caused great damage including the Krupps works. Pathfinder marking was very accurate. There were three sightings of enemy aircraft but no combats reported. F/O Dugard and crew failed to return.

For this attack on Essen Bomber Command detailed a total of 457 aircraft - 158 Wellingtons, 156 Lancasters, 91 Halifaxes, 42 Stirlings, 10 Mosquitos in another very successful Oboe-marked raid. The centre of the bombing area was right across the giant Krupps factory, just west of the city centre, with later bombing drifting back to the north-western outskirts. Photographic interpretation assessed that Krupps received 30 per cent more damage on this night than on the earlier successful raid of 5/6 March. 23 aircraft - 8 Lancasters, 7 Halifaxes, 6 Wellingtons, 2 Stirlings lost, 5.0 per cent of the force.


Lancaster- ED419

ED419 was lost on its one and only sortie.

12-Mar-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED419 – F/O HW Dugard – FTR - Crashed at Grosse Reken, Germany.


William Richard Jones

103 Squadron Richard Jones

William Richard Jones ( pictured above ) was the Wireless Operator in this crew. From Chorlton Cum Hardy, Manchester he enlisted in the RAF in June 1940 and was selected for aircrew later that year. He completed his basic training at West Kirkby and during the next few months had a number of ground duties postings. In April 1941 he attended No 10 Signals Recruit Centre at Blackpool and on the 9th August 1941 undertook further Signals Training at No 2 Signals School Yatesbury which he completed successfully.

On the 14th November he was posted to RAF Topcliffe as a ground wireless operator. On the 24th June 1942 he was back at No 2 Signals School for training as an airborne wireless operator and on the 8th August 1942 he moved on to No 3 Air Gunnery School at Stranraer

He was promoted Sgt on completion and then posted to 25 Operational Training Unit RAF Bircotes on the 8th September 1942 where he will have crewed up with Harry Dugard.

On the 17th January 1943 he was posted with Dugard's crew to 1656 Heavy Conversion Unit and then on to 103 Sqn at the end of February 1943.

103 Squadron Sgt WR Jones grave at Reichswald

Compiled and written by David Fell with thanks to Trevor Jones for the photos and data re Sgt Jones.


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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