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W/O Harold R Graham RCAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1943

Failed to Return – 12/13th July 1943 – Avro Lancaster I – ED769 – Op Turin

103 Squadron Harold Richmond Graham

Harold Graham ( pictured above ) and his crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds late June/early July 1943. Sadly they were lost on their second operation. See below

09-Jul-43 – Gelsenkirchen – Lancaster – EE196 – F/S HR Graham RCAF

12-Jul-43 – Turin – Lancaster – ED769 – F/S HR Graham RCAF – FTR - Lost without trace.


W/O Harold Richmond Graham RCAF – Pilot – 103 Sqn – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Louis Cervi RAFVR – 31 – 103 Sqn - Son of Louis and Ann Cervi, of Ancoats, Manchester; husband of Ann Cervi of Miles Platting, Manchester – Runnymede Memorial

F/S Bruce Woodrow Walls RCAF ( pictured below ) - 103 Sqn – Son of William Gladstone Walls and Laura Blanche Walls, of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada – Runnymede Memorial

F/O Eric Henry Hawkins RAFVR - 103 Sqn – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt George Edward Trowsdale RAFVR – 20 - 103 Sqn – Son of George Ernest and Henrietta Trowsdale of West Hartlepool, Co. Durham – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Norman Guy Tippin RAFVR – 20 - 103 Sqn – Son of Guy Frederic and Doris Mary Tippin, of Romford Essex – Runnymede Memorial

F/S Rae McGee Watts RCAF - 103 Sqn – Son of William and Margaret Watts of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada – Runnymede Memorial

103 Squadron Walls ID

F/S Bruce Woodrow Walls RCAF


12-Jul-43 - Turin

103 Squadron detailed 24 aircraft for this attack on the Italian city of Turin which meant part of the return journey was done in daylight. Bombing heights were between 16000 ft and 21000 ft. Target defences were spasmodic with up to moderate intensity only in barrage form. Both heavy and light flak was encountered. Searchlights were ineffective and wavering. They were detailed to land at Exeter but make base if possible which several managed to do. Three returned early because of failures and F/S Graham and crew failed to return nothing being heard from them.

For this attack on Turin Bomber Command detailed a total of 295 Lancasters of 1, 5 and No 8 Groups. 13 Lancasters lost, 4.4 per cent of the force. The main weight of this raid fell just north of the centre of Turin in clear weather conditions. Among the RAF casualties on this night was Wing Commander JD Nettleton, Commanding Officer of 44 (Rhodesia) Squadron, who had won the Victoria Cross for the low-level daylight raid on Augsburg in April 1942. Nettleton's Lancaster was shot down by a German night fighter over the Channel while returning from Turin. He and his crew all died.


Lancaster – ED769

This machine was lost on its 12th operation and had been flown mostly by Tom Prickett and crew.

13-Apr-43 - La Spezia – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett

16-Apr-43 – Pilsen – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett - Did not take off

18-Apr-43 - La Spezia – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett

20-Apr-43 – Stettin – Lancaster – ED769 – Sgt DW Rudge

26-Apr-43 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett

30-Apr-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett

04-May-43 – Dortmund – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett - Early return

12-May-43 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ED769 – Sgt EJ Presland

25-May-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett

29-May-43 – Wuppertal – Lancaster – ED769 – S/L TO Prickett

11-Jun-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ED769 – F/S AE Egan

12-Jul-43 – Turin – Lancaster – ED769 – F/S HR Graham RCAF – FTR - Lost without trace.

Item compiled by David Fell. Photos courtesy of the Canadian Virtual War Memorial


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.