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F/L Harold F Ewer DFC RCAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1943

Failed to Return – 25/26th July 1943 – Avro Lancaster III – ED884 – Op Essen

103 Squadron Ewer 

Harold Ewer ( pictured above ) and his crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds on the 9th March 1943 from 1656 Heavy Conversion Unit. They were lost on the penultimate operation of their tour, the 29th. Ths was a hard tour through the Battle of the Ruhr mostly attacking Nazi cities all over the German Reich.

27-Mar-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – ED724 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

29-Mar-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – ED724 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

10-Apr-43 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – W4827 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF – Early return - Engine unserviceable.

13-Apr-43 - La Spezia – Lancaster – ED396 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF - Landed at Tangmere

16-Apr-43 – Pilsen – Lancaster – ED396 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF -  Combat with twin engined enemy aircraft whilst coned at 4,000 ft over Darmstadt. Starboard inner radiator and prop damaged and also starboard mainplane flaps and undercarriage. Gunners replied with 300 rounds. Enemy aircraft seen to be hit and broke away.

18-Apr-43 - La Spezia – Lancaster – ED725 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

20-Apr-43 – Stettin – Lancaster – ED725 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

26-Apr-43 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer - RCAF

28-Apr-43 - Gulf of Danzig – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

30-Apr-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

04-May-43 – Dortmund – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

12-May-43 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

13-May-43 – Bochum – Lancaster – W4323 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

25-May-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

27-May-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF – Early return - Cookie prematurely released and was resting on the bomb doors.

29-May-43 – Wuppertal – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

11-Jun-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

12-Jun-43 – Bochum – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

14-Jun-43 – Oberhausen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

21-Jun-43 – Krefeld – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

22-Jun-43 – Mulheim – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

25-Jun-43 – Gelsenkirchen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

28-Jun-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

08-Jul-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

09-Jul-43 – Gelsenkirchen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF – Did not take off

12-Jul-43 – Turin – Lancaster – ED884 – F/L HF Ewer RCAF - Landed at Exeter

24-Jul-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – ED884 – F/L HF Ewer RCAF

25-Jul-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED884 – F/L HF Ewer RCAF – FTR - Crashed at Borbeck, Germany.


F/L Harold Frederick Ewer DFC RCAF – Pilot - 25 – 103 Sqn - Son of Harold Banff Ewer and Effie Davis Ewer, of Westbank, British Columbia, Canada - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

Sgt Jack William George Wilson RAF – Flight Engineer - 18 - 103 Sqn - Son of John and Nellie M. Wilson; ward of Mr. C. K. Godwin, of Keynsham, Somerset- Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

P/O Derek Williams DFM RAFVR – Navigator - 103 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

Sgt Stanley Robson DFM RAFVR – Air Bomber - 23 – 103 Sqn - Son of Henry and Annie Robson of Newcastle-on-Tyne - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

Sgt Stanley Henry Welch RAFVR ( pictured below ) – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 21 - 103 Sqn - Son of Bertie and Dorothy Welch of Stevenage, Hertfordshire - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

Sgt James Richard Fitch RCAF ( pictured below ) – Air Gunner - 103 Sqn - Son of Richard Walter Fitch, and of Della Marie Fitch of Markdale, Ontario, Canada - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

F/S Francis Ernest Juggins RAFVR – Air Gunner - 31 – 103 Sqn - Son of Ernest John and Lilian Rosena Juggins; husband of Lilian Juggins - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

103 Squadron Welch

Sgt Stanley Henry Welch RAFVR

103 Squadron Fitch Ewer

Sgt James Richard Fitch RCAF


Of particular note in this crew is young Jack Wilson, the Flight Engineer, who had almost completed a full tour and still was not 19 years old.

The DFMs awarded to Sgts Williams and Robson was gazetted on the 28th July 1944.

This crew were originally buried at the Dusseldorf Nordfriedhof. Post war the were exhumed and reinterred at Reichswald Forest.


25-Jul-43 – Essen

103 Squadron detailed 21 aircraft for this attack on the German industrial city of Essen. This was a very successful raid and our anti RDF measure was again employed successfully. The weather en route was good with only thin layers of cloud over the target. The raid was a great success the target being enveloped in flames. A very large explosion was noted by most crews. The bombing heights were between 20000 ft and 22000 ft. P/O Ratcliff was forced to return early but succeeded in bombing the airfield at Alkmoor. F/S Loop also returned early due to an intercom problem. S/L Carpenter and F/L Ewer and crews failed to return. All others landed at base.

For this attack on Essen Bomber Command detailed a total of 705 aircraft - 294 Lancasters, 221 Halifaxes, 104 Stirlings, 67 Wellingtons, 19 Mosquitos. The commander of the American VIII Bomber Command, Brigadier-General Fred Anderson, observed this raid as a passenger in an 83 Squadron Lancaster. This was an attempt to achieve a good raid on this major target while the effects of 'Window' were still fresh. The raid was successful, with particular damage being recorded in Essen's industrial areas in the eastern half of the city. The huge Nazi Krupps industrial complex suffered what was probably its most damaging raid of the war. The next morning, Doktor Gustav Krupp had a stroke which saved him from being charged with a multitude of war crimes after the war. 26 aircraft - 10 Halifaxes, 7 Stirlings, 5 Lancasters, 4 Wellingtons - lost, 3.7 per cent of the force.


Lancaster – ED884

This machine was lost on its 25th operation and was mostly flown by F/L H F Ewer and crew. See below

26-Apr-43 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

28-Apr-43 - Gulf of Danzig – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCA

30-Apr-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

04-May-43 – Dortmund – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

12-May-43 – Duisburg – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

18-May-43 - Biarritz/Biscay coast – Lancaster – ED884 – Sgt EJ Presland

23-May-43 – Dortmund – Lancaster – ED884 – Sgt SF Gage

25-May-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

27-May-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF – Early return - Cookie prematurely released and was resting on the bomb doors.

29-May-43 – Wuppertal – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

11-Jun-43 – Dusseldorf – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

12-Jun-43 – Bochum – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

14-Jun-43 – Oberhausen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

16-Jun-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O FJ Hopps

21-Jun-43 – Krefeld – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

22-Jun-43 – Mulheim – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

24-Jun-43 – Wuppertal – Lancaster – ED884 – Sgt EJ Presland

25-Jun-43 – Gelsenkirchen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

28-Jun-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

03-Jul-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – ED884 – W/O EJ Presland

08-Jul-43 – Cologne – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF

09-Jul-43 – Gelsenkirchen – Lancaster – ED884 – P/O HF Ewer RCAF – Did not take off

12-Jul-43 – Turin – Lancaster – ED884 – F/L HF Ewer RCAF - Landed at Exeter

24-Jul-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – ED884 – F/L HF Ewer RCAF

25-Jul-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED884 – F/L HF Ewer RCAF – FTR - Crashed at Borbeck, Germany.

Item compiled by David Fell. Photo courtesy of the Welch family. Fitch photo courtesy of the Canadian Virtual War  Museum


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