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George A Deering DFC RCAF

Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 103 Squadron - 1941/1942

617 Squadron - Dambusters - Guy Gibson VC - Front Gunner on the Dams Raid.

103 Squadron Deering

George Andrew Deering was born in Kirkintilloch, Scotland on 23 July 1919. He was the only boy in the family of the four children of Samuel and Martha Deering. The family emigrated to Canada when he was quite young and his mother died shortly afterwards. His oldest sister Charlotte then became the family housekeeper.

Deering went to Essex public school in Toronto and then trained on a correspondence course in aircraft designing and mechanics while in employment as a shoe worker. He joined the RCAF in July 1940 with ambitions of becoming a pilot however he ended up qualifying as a wireless operator/air gunner and arrived in England in April 1941.

Deering spent 6 months with 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds mostly in the crew of F/O D W Peck and completed a full tour of operations as shown below :-

103 Squadron Peck and crew inc George Deering

Peck’s crew - George Deering 3rd from left

Deering flew 32 operations 24 with the Peck crew, 6 with Clive Saxelby and 2 with Ken Wallis.

11-Sep-41 - Le Havre – Wellington – R1445 – F/O DW Peck

16-Sep-41 – Karlsruhe – Wellington – R1445 – F/O DW Peck

20-Sep-41 – Frankfurt – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck - General recall because of worsening weather at base. Bombed secondary.

30-Sep-41 – Hamburg – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck - Combat. Attacked by night fighter. Escaped into cloud. Repeatedly hit by flak

12-Oct-41 – Bremen – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck

13-Oct-41 – Dusseldorf – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck

17-Oct-41 – Duisburg – Wellington - R1344 – F/O DW Peck

20-Oct-41 – Emden – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck

24-Oct-41 – Frankfurt – Wellington – R1395 – F/O DW Peck - Made second attack on Haamstede airfield

31-Oct-41 – Hamburg – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck – Early return- Generator unserviceable.

26-Nov-41 – Emden – Wellington – R1667 – F/O DW Peck

16-Dec-41 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – W5664 – P/O KH Wallis

28-Dec-41 -  Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

06-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck - Hit by flak

10-Jan-42 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington- X9666 – F/O DW Peck - Landed at Swanton Morley

15-Jan-42 – Hamburg – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck - Bombed search light and railway track north of target

21-Jan-42 – Bremen – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

25-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

28-Jan-42 – Munster – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

14-Feb-42 – Mannheim – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

21-Feb-42 - Mannheim and others – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck  - Wireless transmitter and heating system Unserviceable

03-Mar-42 – Paris – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

08-Mar-42 – Essen – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

09-Mar-42 – Essen – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

13-Mar-42 – Cologne – Wellington – X9666 – F/O DW Peck

2-Apr–42 – Poissy – Wellington – X9666 – F/L CK Saxelby

5-Apr–42 – Cologne – Wellington – X9666 – F/L CK Saxelby

8-Apr–42 – Hamburg – Wellington – DV697 – F/L CK Saxelby

10-Apr–42 – Essen – Wellington – DV679 – F/L CK Saxelby

12-Apr–42 – Essen – Wellington – DV679 – F/L CK Saxelby

14-Apr-42 – Dortmund – Wellington – DV697 – F/L CK Saxelby

18 - Apr-42 - Hamburg - Wellington - Z8843 - Sgt G A Deering replaced Sgt Stockfield. Up 2256 Down 0537. Unable to turn on nacelle fuel tanks so abandoned primary and bombed the port of Cuxhaven. Front turret doors blew open in slip stream and turret became unserviceable

103 Squadron Deering and Loder

George Deering right and Sgt Loder both of Peck’s crew

He was then posted to an Operational Training Unit as an instructor and was commissioned in February 1943, although this information didn’t seem to reach 617 Squadron until after the Dams Raid.

How Deering arrived on 617 Squadron and was then allocated to Gibson’s crew is a bit of a mystery. In Enemy Coast Ahead, Gibson wrote that he was a novice but this is far from the truth:

‘In the front turret was Jim [sic] Deering from Toronto, Canada, and he was on his first [sic] bombing raid. He was pretty green, but one of our crack gunners had suddenly gone ill and there was nobody else for me to take.’

Later in the book, Gibson calls him ‘Joe’ and in the dedication he is referred to as ‘Tony’. Giving a member of your own crew three different first names may well be a record even for this book which is littered with editorial errors. Also Deering was in fact posted into 617 Squadron on 29th March 43 and had flown on a number of training flights with Gibson in the run up to the Dams Raid.

For his part in the raid Deering was awarded a DFC, recognition at last that he was an officer by the time of the raid.

Gibson crew. Deering second from the right

Gibson with 4 of his Dambuster's crew, L to R  - Gibson - Fred Spafford, Air Bomber -  Bob Hutchinson, Wireless Operator -  George Deering, Front Gunner - Harlo Taerum, Navigator

Along with Taerum, Hutchison and Spafford he transferred to George Holden’s crew and died with all of them when they were shot down on the Dortmund Ems canal operation on 16th September 1943. He is buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery.

F/O George Andrew Deering DFC RCAF – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner – 24 – 617 Sqn - Son of Samuel Deering and of Martha Deering (nee Ballagh) of Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

Deering was sadly killed on his next operational raid with S/L Holden on the Dortmund Emms canal along with several others from Gibson's old crew


Item compiled and written by David Fell with thanks to the Dambusters Blog for the bio details. Top photo from my archive. The other photos courtesy of George Germain and the Dambusters Blog


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