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Sgt G O John RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1941/42.

Ditched on Return – 25/26th March 1941 – Vickers Wellington IC – R1393 – Op Essen.

Sgt John was posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds in the summer of 1941. He flew his first operation as co-pilot with Sgt Gosman and crew on the 11th September 1941 to Le Havre and 5 more with P/O Weilliams and crew. He was then made captain of his own crew and flew the following operation :-

26-Nov-41 – Ostend – Wellington – R1588 – Sgt GO John

06-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – DV452 – Sgt GO John - Landed at Warmwell

10-Jan-42 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – DV452 – Sgt GO John - Landed at Bircham Newton

21-Jan-42 – Bremen – Wellington – R1347 – Sgt GO John

25-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – R1347 – Sgt GO John

28-Jan-42 – Munster – Wellington – R1347 – Sgt GO John

14-Feb-42 – Mannheim – Wellington – R1347 – Sgt GO John - Regulator U/S. Bombed Dunkirk

21-Feb-42 - Mannheim and others – Wellington – W5690 – Sgt GO John - Navigational error. Bombed targets of opportunity

09-Mar-42 – Essen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt GO John - Jettisoned bombs over target after bombing run as distributor U/S

12-Mar-42 – Emden – Wellington – Z1171 – Sgt GO John

25-Mar-42 – Essen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt GO John - Ditched on return. Hit by flak. Hydraulics U/S. Petrol tanks holed. Ditched in sea on return 5 miles off Orfordness. Rescued. See below.

14-Apr-42 – Dortmund – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John - Landed at Exeter

18-Apr-42 – Hamburg – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John - P engine U/S. Jettisoned bombs. Engine picked up on return.

23-Apr-42 – Rostock – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John – ER - Rear turret U/S

24-Apr-42 – Rostock – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John

26-Apr-42 – Rostock – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John

28-Apr-42 – Kiel – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John

29-Apr-42 - Paris/ Gennevilliers – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John

04-May-42 – Stuttgart – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John - Took off late due to replacement of crew member because of sickness. Unable to reach primary by ETA. Bombed flak concentrations at Karlsruhe.

05-May-42 – Stuttgart – Wellington – DV596 – Sgt GO John

08-May-42 – Warnemunde – Wellington – R1234 – Sgt GO John - Bombed target and attacked several search lights with machine guns at low level

19-May-42 – Mannheim – Wellington – Z1171 – Sgt GO John


25th March 1942 - R1393 ditched 5 miles off Orfordness which is on the Suffolk coast about 10 miles north of Felixstowe. The crew were rescued with no reported injuries

The crew:-

Sgt G O John,

Sgt W G Harrison

Sgt A A Conisbee - Killed 31 May 1942 Flowers

Sgt P G Williams

Sgt B C Slowly - Killed 31 May 1942 Flowers

F/S L Murray


103 Squadron detailed 15 aircraft were detailed for this attack on the German city of Essen. One did not take off due to engine trouble and three more returned early due because of engine, instrument or electrical issues. Weather conditions at base were cloudy being 6/10ths to 9/10ths with tops at 5000 ft. Over the route tops were around 3000 ft breaking to cloudless over the target. On return the visibility improved. Returning crews reported ground haze which made target identification difficult but bombed on fires. Sgt Pugh was involved in a combat with a twin engined night fighter which was seen going down. All aircraft returned safely with the exception of Sgt John who ditched and was rescued.

For this attack on the Essen Bomber Command detailed a total of 254 aircraft with 11 lost. Post raid analysis showed that most of the bombing had been directed at a decoy fire site at Rheinberg 18 miles west of Essen.


Wellington R1393

This machine was a veteran of 32 operations and was flown by a number of well known 103 Sqn pilots of the time. Kitney, Leslie, Fulbrook and Pugh stand out

See below :-

24-Apr-41 – Kiel – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt CH Muggeridge

30-Apr-41 – Kiel – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt CH Muggeridge

03-May-41 – Cologne – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt CH Muggeridge

05-May-41 – Mannheim – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt CH Muggeridge

08-May-41 – Bremen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt CH Muggeridge

02-Jun-41 – Duisburg – Wellington – R1393 – P/O CH Muggeridge

16-Jun-41 – Duisburg – Wellington – R1393 – P/O CH Muggeridge

17-Jun-41 – Duisburg – Wellington – R1393 – P/O CH Muggeridge

20-Jun-41 – Kiel – Wellington – R1393 – P/O CH Muggeridge - ER

10-Jul-41 – Boulogne – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt RK Kitney

02-Aug-41 – Hamburg – Wellington – R1393 – P/O Allen – DNTO - Engine U/S

07-Aug-41 – Essen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt JC Addy

14-Aug-41 – Hanover – Wellington – R1393 – P/O Allen

18-Aug-41 – Duisburg – Wellington – R1393 – P/O Allen

19-Aug-41 - Le Havre – Wellington – R1393 – F/L RS Crawford

22-Aug-41 – Mannheim – Wellington – R1393 – F/O RJA Leslie RNZAF

27-Aug-41 – Mannheim – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles

16-Dec-41 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles - Hit by light flak.

28-Dec-41 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles

06-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles

09-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles

10-Jan-42 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles - Bombed airfield. Landed at Horsham St Faith.

21-Jan-42 – Bremen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt HEJ Giles - DNTO

25-Jan-42 – Brest – Wellington – R1393 – P/O DM Jones - S engine partially failed causing considerable difficulty in control.

28-Jan-42 – Munster – Wellington – R1393 – P/O DM Jones - Bombed Emmerich area

06-Feb-42 – Brest – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt REV Pugh - Unable to locate primary. W/T U/S. Landed Exeter

14-Feb-42 – Mannheim – Wellington – R1393 – W/O RJ Fulbrook - Carried 36 flares. Unable to locate target due to cloud conditions. Returned with load.

09-Mar-42 – Essen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt GO John - Jettisoned bombs over target after bombing run as distributor U/S

25-Mar-42 – Essen – Wellington – R1393 – Sgt GO John - Ditched on return. Hit by flak. Hydraulics U/S. Petrol tanks holed. Ditched in sea on return 5 miles off Orfordness. Rescued.

Item compiled by David Fell


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