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[Home] [Profiles 103 Sqn A to M] [Donald Barr and crew 103 Sqn]

F/S D L S Barr RAAF and crew - 103 Squadron - RAF Elsham Wolds - 1943

 Failed to Return - 6/7th July 1943 - Avro Lancaster I - W4363 - Op Mine Laying in Gironde Estuary

103 Squadron Barr

Donald Barr ( pictured above ) was born on 3rd March 1922 in Essendon, Victoria.

He worked for BH Pty Ltd in Melbourne and, on 10th October 1941, enlisted with the Royal Australian Air Force.

He embarked from Melbourne on 22nd May 1942 for Canada where he underwent training and then to the U.K.

After further training he was posted to 103 Squadron at Elsham Wolds with his crew in June 1943.


03-Jul-43 - Cologne – Lancaster - ED751 - F/S DLS Barr RAAF

06-Jul-43 - Gironde River - Lancaster - W4363 - F/S DLS Barr RAAF - FTR - Lost without trace.

The task involved laying mines in the mouth of the River Gironde to disrupt U Boat traffic sailing in and out of the big U Boat base at Bordeaux

103 Squadron detailed 4 aircraft for this operation out of a total force of 36 tasked to lay mines off the Biscay ports. One 103 Squadron aircraft returned with its mines and reported low cloud and heavy rain in the target area which made it impossible to carry out their task. Several crews from the other squadrons involved reported similar difficulties and returned with their loads intact. This makes me think that Barr's loss could have been weather related but there is no possible way of telling. The crew were lost without trace and are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.

F/S Donald Leighton Spence Barr RAAF  See top of page

103 Squadron Maynard

Sgt Peter Maynard RAFVR

103 Squadron Garside

Sgt Ronald Francis Garside RAFVR

103 Squadron Gardner

Sgt Henry Gardner RAFVR

103 Squadron Isaacs

F/S Gerald Henry Isaacs RAAF

103 Squadron Turner

Sgt Desmond Frank Oswald Turner RAFVR

103 Squadron Hollas

Sgt Raymond Hollas RAFVR

F/S Donald Leighton Spence Barr RAAF – Pilot – 21 - 103 Sqn – Son of Leslie Albert Leighton Barr and Gwendoline Rebecca Barr, of Elwood, Victoria, Australia. Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Peter Maynard RAFVR - 103 Sqn – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Ronald Francis Garside RAFVR – 23 - 103 Sqn – Son of William and Kathleen Stella Garside, of Prestwich, Lancashire - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Henry Gardner RAFVR – 26 - 103 Sqn – Husband of Reba Mildred Gardner, of Ossett, Yorkshire - Runnymede Memorial

F/S Gerald Henry Isaacs RAAF – 21 - 103 Sqn – Son of Laurence David and Gladys Fanny Isaacs, of Windsor, Victoria, Australia - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Desmond Frank Oswald Turner RAFVR – 20 - 103 Sqn – Son of Edwin Samuel Francis and Alison Mona Milly Turner. His brother Ivan Frederick also died on service and is commemorated in Israel at the Ramleh War Cemetery - Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Raymond Hollas RAFVR – Air Gunner - 103 Sqn – Son of Wilfred and Alice Hollas, of Mirfield, Yorkshire - Runnymede Memorial


Lancaster - W4363

This veteran machine was amongst the first Lancasters delivered to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds in November 1942 and lost on its 40th operation. It was flown by several notable captains of the time. The first trip was with F/O J K Douglas RAAF and crew. See below :-

21-Nov-42 - Biarritz/Biscay coast - Lancaster - W4363 - F/O JK Douglas RAAF

 Item written by David Fell with photos from Don Frayne the nephew of Don Barr. Don, who lives in Australia, reminded me he sent me these in 2002 !


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

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550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.