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Sgt Denis Maxwell Greey RAFVR and crew – 103 Squadron - RAF Elsham Wolds – 1941

Failed to Return - 5th August 1941 – Vickers Wellington IC – W5656 – Op Frankfurt.

103 Squadron - Vickers Wellington

Denis Greey, which I think is pronounced Grey, came from the Birmingham area.

He was posted to 103 Sqn at Newton approx February or early March 1941 and flew 10 ops as co-pilot with the experienced Sgt Muggeridge and crew as follows :-

21st March 1941 Lorient

9th April 1941 Kiel

13th April 1941 Brest - Scharnhorst and Gneisenau

16th April 1941 Kiel

17th April 1941 Berlin

24th April 1941 Kiel

30th April 1941 Kiel

3rd May 1941 Cologne

5th May 1941 Mannheim

8th May 1941 Bremen


Greey was then made captain of his own crew and completed a further 13 ops being lost on the 14th.

Crew for first op Greey, Hare, Moules Alleway Griffin and Deges

12-Jun-41 – Osnabruck – Wellington – R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

16-Jun-41 – Duisburg – Wellington – R1760 – Sgt DM Greey - Twin engined enemy aircraft approached but no attack made.

17-Jun-41 – Duisburg – Wellington - R1760  - Sgt DM Greey

20-Jun-41 – Kiel – Wellington – R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

30-Jun-41 – Dusseldorf - Wellington  - R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

03-Jul-41 – Bremen – Wellington – R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

05-Jul-41 – Bielefeld – Wellington -  R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

07-Jul-41 – Cologne – Wellington – R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

08-Jul-41 – Bielefeld – Wellington – R1760 – Sgt DM Greey

10-Jul-41 – Cologne - Wellington X9675 – Sgt DM Greey

20-Jul-41 – Cologne - Wellington R1217 – Sgt – DM Greey

22-Jul-41 - Frankfurt Wellington – W5656 – Sgt DM Greey - Unable to locate primary. Bombed airfield at Nivelles

24-Jul-41 – Brest – Wellington – R1217 – Sgt DM Greey

05-Aug-41 – Frankfurt – Wellington – W5656 - Sgt  DM Greey - FTR - Bombing signal received. Nothing further heard. Crashed SW of Calais, France.

All the crew were killed and rest at the Calais Canadian War Cemetery


Sgt Denis Maxwell Greey RAFVR – Pilot - 28 – 103 Sqn - Son of Horace B. and Florence Geey, of Beoley, Worcestershire, England – Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, France.

Sgt JP Taylor RCAF – Pilot - 25 – 103 Sqn - Son of Franklin Stearns Taylor and Margaret Ellis Taylor, of Toronto, Ontario - Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, France

Sgt Jack Moules RAFVR – Observer – 103 Sqn - Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, France

Sgt Frederick Williams Alleway RAFVR – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Frederick Alfred and Minnie Louise Alleway, of Plymouth, England - Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, France

Sgt Robert Grattan Gurney Griffin RAFVR - Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 21 - Son of H. Gratton Griffin and Daphne F. I. Griffin, of Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Irish Republic - Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, France

Sgt Carl Deges RAFVR – Air Gunner – 103 Sqn - Son of John and Jane Deges - Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, France

This crew were lost on their return flight. The reason for the loss has never been established. Maybe flak but quite possibly accidental or mechanical issues could be the reason.


05-Aug-41 – Frankfurt

103 Squadron detailed aircraft 8 for this attack on the German city of Frankfurt There was 8/10 to 10/10ths cloud breaking to 3/10ths the Continent. Visibility at the target was good. All except one aircraft reached the primary and good bombing results are reported. Opposition was intense with several machines hit by flak. Searchlight were very troublesome and persistent. 4 of our aircraft were caught in cones. Sgt Greey and crew are missing. All other aircraft returned to base.

For this attack on Frankfurt Bomber Command detailed 68 aircraft of which 3 were lost. Good bombing was claimed. Mainz 20 miles away reports some bombs fell there.

For photos and further information re this crew see the Aircrew Remembrance Society web page.


Wellington W5656

23-Jun-41 – Cologne – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

30-Jun-41 – Dusseldorf – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

03-Jul-41 – Bremen – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

05-Jul-41 – Bielefeld – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

08-Jul-41 – Bielefeld – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

10-Jul-41 – Cologne – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball - Unable to locate primary. Bombed marshalling yards south west of Brussels

20-Jul-41 – Cologne – Wellington – W5656 – P/O DL Petrie

22-Jul-41 – Frankfurt – Wellington – W5656 – Sgt DM Greey - Unable to locate primary. Bombed airfield at Nivelles

24-Jul-41 – Brest – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

02-Aug-41 – Hamburg – Wellington – W5656 – P/O EC Ball

05-Aug-41 – Frankfurt – Wellington – W5656 – Sgt DM Greey – FTR - Bombing signal received. Nothing further heard. Crashed south west of Calais, France.

Compiled by David Fell


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