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W/O David H Loop DFC RAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1943

Failed to Return – 18/19th October 1943 – Avro Lancaster III – JB147 – Op Hanover

103 Squadron Loop Family

Above - A delightful photo of the Loop family. Back Row - L to R - Shirley Loop (sister) and John Halstead Loop (father). Middle - Nancy Loop (sister), Front - L to R - David Loop and Dora Loop ( mother ). Photo courtesy of the Tilly family archives

David was born on 15 January 1919, the second child of John Halstead Loop and Dora (née Welch). He attended Ewell Infants School and from 1 April 1927 to 29 August 1930, he was at Ewell Boys School from before going up to Epsom County School he was offered free place.

David’s WW2 service began in the Army ( Royal Engineers ) but he transferred to the Royal Air Force. As Leading Aircraftman he was selected for flying duties and, on 22 January 1942, was posted for training in Albany in New York State under the “Arnold Scheme”. He was a member of Arnold Squad C [42C]. He qualified as a pilot and embarked for the UK on the 7 July 1943.

While training at 1662 Heavy Conversion Unit at RAF Blyton, near Gainsborough he was involved in an accident in Lancaster ED414 on landing and the aircraft hit an obstruction and was damaged beyond repair.

David Loop's crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds in July 1943 and were lost on their 22nd operation of a busy and demanding tour. See below :-

24-Jul-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – JA868 – F/S DH Loop

25-Jul-43 – Essen – Lancaster – JA868 – F/S DH Loop – Early return - Intercom unserviceable

27-Jul-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – W4323 – F/S DH Loop

29-Jul-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – W4323 – F/S DH Loop

02-Aug-43 – Hamburg – Lancaster – W4323 – F/S DH Loop

07-Aug-43 – Turin – Lancaster – W4323 – F/S DH Loop

22-Aug-43 – Leverkusen – Lancaster – W4323 – F/S DH Loop

23-Aug-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – W4323 – F/S DH Loop – Did not take off - Destroyed on ground. Bomb load fell to ground while at dispersal and blew up.

27-Aug-43 – Nuremberg – Lancaster – LM343 – F/S DH Loop

29-Aug-43 – Munchengladbach – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

31-Aug-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

03-Sep-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

05-Sep-43 – Mannheim – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

06-Sep-43 – Munich – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

22-Sep-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop

23-Sep-43 – Mannheim – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop

27-Sep-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop - Landed at Docking

29-Sep-43 – Bochum – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop

01-Oct-43 – Hagen – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop

02-Oct-43 – Munich – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop

07-Oct-43 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop

18-Oct-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 – W/O DH Loop - FTR - Crashed in the northern outskirts of Hanover, Germany.

Reportedly shot down by Hauptmann Albert Paetz of the Stab I/JG300 flying a Bf 109 G-6. Also claimed by Flak.

..103 Squadron Loop crew........

David Loop back row 2nd from left with his crew

103 Squadron Loop

W/O David Halstead Loop DFC RAF ( pictured above ) – Pilot - 25 – 103 Sqn - Son of John Halstead Loop and Dora Loop of Ewell, Surrey – Hanover War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt James Williamson RAFVR - 31 – 103 Sqn - Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Williamson; husband of Grace M. Williamson of Cobourg, Ontario, Canada – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Edwin George Pilbeam RAFVR - 21 – 103 Sqn - Son of Charles John Edwin and Nora Pilbeam of Southsea, Hampshire – Runnymede Memorial

F/O Michael Mulligan RAFVR - 20 – 103 Sqn - Son of Michael Mulligan and Phyllis Margaret McKenna and stepson of Mary Mulligan of Middlesbrough, Yorkshire – Runnymede Memorial

F/S Joseph Willy Odessa Roger Garry Le Brock RCAF ( pictured below ) - 103 Sqn - Son of Joseph Willie and Clotilde Le Brock, of Outremont, Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Kenneth Lindon Brindley RAFVR - 20 – 103 Sqn - Son of Frank and May Brindley of Newcastle, Staffordshire – Runnymede Memorial

Sgt Donald William Miller RAFVR - 22 – 103 Sqn - Son of William and Akna Miller; husband of Irene Miller of Hedon, Yorkshire – Runnymede Memorial

103 Squadron Le Brock Loop

F/S Joseph Willy Odessa Roger Garry Le Brock RCAF

During his tour Acting Warrant Officer David Halstead Loop (658361), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No 103 Squadron, was awarded a DFC with effect from 18th October, 1943 Gazetted 28th March 1944.


18-Oct-43 - Hanover

103 Squadron detailed 19 aircraft for this attack on the German city of Hanover.5 aircraft were fitted with special navigation equipment and carried a reduced incendiary load. The target was cloud covered which affected the marking and made bombing difficult. Much of it was down to the glow or deducted glow of markers. Bombing heights were between 16000 ft and 21500 ft. The raid was considered unsatisfactory. However several very large explosions were noted in the vicinity of the markers. Sgt Bellamy's gunners fired at a Ju88 attacking another Lancaster but did not observe any results. Sgt Jones was attacked by an Me110 from the port quarter which damaged his port outer engine but gunners replied and the attack was beaten off. There were several other sightings of fighters. F/S Rathbone returned early. F/S Campbell failed to take off due to last minute engine fault. W/O Loop, W/O Stevens and F/S Hinton failed to return. All others returned to base.

For this attack on Hanover Bomber Command detailed a total of 360 Lancasters. 18 Lancasters lost, 5.0 per cent of the force. The target area was covered by cloud and the Pathfinders were not successful in marking the position of Hanover. The raid was scattered, with most bombs falling in open country north and north-west of the city. This raid concluded the current series of raids on Hanover. Bomber Command had dispatched 2,253 sorties in 4 raids and 10 American B-17 sorties had also been flown. 1,976 aircraft claimed to have bombed in the target area. Only 1 raid had been completely successful but that had caused severe damage. 110 bombers were lost on the raids, 4.9 per cent of those dispatched.


Lancaster - JB147

This machine was lost on its 17th operation most of those with Loop's crew

29-Aug-43 – Munchengladbach – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

31-Aug-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

03-Sep-43 – Berlin – Lancaster – JB147 – F/S DH Loop

05-Sep-43 – Mannheim – Lancaster – JB147 - F/S DH Loop

06-Sep-43 – Munich – Lancaster – JB147 - S/L CSF Wood

06-Sep-43 – Munich – Lancaster – JB147 - F/S DH Loop

22-Sep-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop

23-Sep-43 – Mannheim – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop

27-Sep-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop - Landed at Docking

29-Sep-43 – Bochum – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop

01-Oct-43 – Hagen – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop

02-Oct-43 – Munich – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop

03-Oct-43 – Kassel – Lancaster – JB147 - F/S LJ Hinton RAAF - Coned 3 times. Attacked by twin engined night fighter. Gunners engaged. Claimed as probable.

04-Oct-43 – Ludwigshafen/Diversion – Lancaster – JB147 - F/S MJ Graham – Early return - Navigator sick.

07-Oct-43 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop

08-Oct-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O AH Pargeter RNZAF – Early return - Late take off due to swinging off runway. Unable to set course in time owing to direct reading compass and Gee unserviceable.

18-Oct-43 – Hanover – Lancaster – JB147 - W/O DH Loop - FTR - Crashed in the northern outskirts of Hanover, Germany.

Item compiled by David Fell. Le Brock photo courtesy of the Canadian Virtual War Museum and Loop family photo and Loop crew photo courtesy of the Tilly family archives. Background info courtesy of the Epsom and Ewell History Explorer website


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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