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W/C Charles W Littler RAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Newton – 1941

Crashed on Return – 30/31st March 1941 – Vickers Wellington IC- R1043 – Op Brest


Charles Littler ( pictured above seated middle ) was a former Cranwell cadet who passed through and was appointed Pilot Officer on the 26th July 1930. He was in the same group as the well known Douglas Bader and a keen amateur boxer who represented the RAF at featherweight. He was involved in an incident in April 1930 when he baled out of a Bristol Fighter when he got into an inverted spin and was unable to correct it. In February 1932 he was promoted from Pilot Officer to Flying Officer and was promoted from Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant in January 1936

Littler was appointed OC of 103 Squadron on the 5th December 1940.

He did fly several operations being lost on his 5th.

10-Feb-41 – Hanover – Wellington – N2770 – W/C CE Littler

28-Feb-41 – Wilhelmshaven – Wellington – R1393 – W/C CE Littler

13-Mar-41 – Hamburg – Wellington – R1396 – W/C CE Littler

14-Mar-41 – Gelsenkirchen – Wellington – R1397 – W/C CE Littler

30-Mar-41 – Brest – Wellington – R1043 – W/C CE Littler - Crashed on return. Engines cut out. Aircraft struck tree during forced landing and burst into flames at Mudford, Yeovil. There is some suggestion that it was banking to avoid a house


W/C Charles Eric Littler RAF - 32 - 103 Sqn - Son of Charles James Wharton Littler and Laura Littler of Ainsdale, Southport - Liverpool Anfield Crematorium, Lancashire.

P/O Auliff,

Sgt Allen,

Sgt Summers

Sgt Garbutt

P/O Davies

W/C Littler made 7 runs over the target area 4 of which were dummy runs. Bursts were seen in close vicinity to the ships. On the return journey both engines started to cut out and finally stopped altogether. A forced landing was made by P/O Auliff from 10000 ft but the machine struck a tree and burst into flames. W/C Littler was caught in the machine and was killed. His crew suffered minor burns and injuries being taken to Yeovil Hospital. the crash occurred at Mudford, Yeovil.


30-Mar-41 – Brest

103 Squadron detailed 8 aircraft for this interesting attack on the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in the French port of Brest. All machines carried 500 lb semi armour piercing bombs and each reported to have bombed the target area. However no results could be observed because of the intense searchlight activity. Two crews made several runs over the target to ensure the exact location before releasing their bomb load. A Bf 109 was reported by one crew passing within 15 yards but did not fire. S/L Mellor and crew were attacked by an intruder while circling the base aerodrome with their navigation lights on.. The attack was made from the port bow causing damage to fabric and petrol tank. The rear gunner was not in his turret at the time. The aircraft gradually lost height and force landed a mile from the airfield. S/L Mellor sustained cuts to his leg but no other injuries to the rest of the crew. The aircraft was damaged beyond repair. The remaining aircraft were diverted to Waddington.

Wing Commander Littler's aircraft crash landed at Mudford, Yeovil. W/C Littler was killed and his crew sustained minor injuries

For this attack on the German capital ships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau at Brest Bomber Command detailed 109 aircraft. No hits were achieved or claimed but bombs were seen to burst around both ships and the dock.


Wellington R1043

10-Feb-41 – Hanover – Wellington – R1043 – Sgt Elliot

30-Mar-41 – Brest – Wellington – R1043 – W/C CE Littler - Crashed on return. Engines cut out. A/C struck tree during forced landing and burst into flames at Mudford, Yeovil.

Compiled and written by David Fell


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.