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Challerange – Ardennes - France

Challerange map site of airfield

Challerange village bottom right with the site of the airfield shown within the red outline. The River Aisne runs to the east of the village on the right.

This site was a landing ground in east France approx 32 miles east of Reims and 6 miles south of Vouziers. The location was a short distance north west of the village of Challerange and there were no permanent facilities as far as I am aware and certainly no evidence of anything is left today. At the very least it must have had water, electricity and telephone lines.

Both 103 Squadron and 150 Squadron flew in from the UK on the 2nd September 1939. 150 Squadron left for a better airfield at Ecury-sur-Coole on the 11th September 1939. 103 Squadron left on the 28th November 1939 for Plivot.

Soon after arrival 103 Squadron started to fly daily reconnaissance operations along the Franco German border and on several occasions a short distance into Germany.

103 Squadron  Battles in formation over France

103 Squadron Battles fly over the French countryside early in the war

Flying from Challerange 103 Squadron sustained is first fatal casualty, its first medal awards and its first confirmed kill on the 27 September 1939 when the aircraft of F/O A Vipan was attacked by a Bf109 fighter.

Vipan's Observer Sgt Vickers died of wounds in a French hospital some days later but he was awarded the French Medaille Militaire before he died. The first WW2 award to a 103 Squadron member.

Vipan's Wop/AG ACI John Ernest Summers shot down one of the attacking Bf109s from close range. This was a confirmed kill as the Bf109 was seem to crash into a wood and was later investigated by soldiers of the French army who found the remains of the German pilot. This is the first RAF kill in WW2 that was confirmed in Luftwaffe records. Summers was later awarded a DFM.

103 Squadron – Fairey Battle – K9271 – F/O Arthur L Vipan RAF and crew – Op - Reconnaissance Franco German Border.

The 103 Squadron Operational Record Book notes that on the 8th October the weather commenced to break and there was continual heavy rain causing widespread flooding from the River Aisne which ran quite near and to the east of Challerange village. The flood water was 100 yards away from the airfield and hindered aircraft maintenance and prevented operational flying. All personnel were issued with rubber boots and raincoats and coped very well. It was thought the drainage was quite good but, be that as it may, the muddy conditions made it was clear that the airfield was not suitable for an operational Squadron. After inspection by W/C Dickens OC 103 Squadron the airfield at Plivot was considered a more satisfactory location and the move finally took place at the end of November 1939.

From the beginning of October to the move to Plivot little flying was undertaken except for air tests formation flying practise and dive bombing and low level bombing practise from which much was learned.

In late October the aircraft were modified to take a Vickers K machine gun on the Bomb Aimers panel to fire behind under the tail and down as a deterrent against fighters attacking from underneath. How it was to be sighted is not clear. A mirror or periscope has been suggested. Sgt Avery of Beardsley's crew used this contraption on one occasion when they were flying over a German troop column but other than that I know of no other time.

On the 10th May 40 the vacated Challerange airfield was bombed by Do17s from III./KG 2.

No record has been found of Luftwaffe use although the site was listed as late as June 1944.

Item compiled by David Fell. Photo from my archive.


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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.