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W/O Robert B Cant RAFVR and crew - 103 Squadron - RAF Elsham Wolds - 1943.

Failed to Return - 5th September 1943 - Avro Lancaster I - ED751 - Op Mannheim.

103 Squadron - Robert Cant

Bob Cant's crew were posted to 103 Sqn in June 1943.

The crew consisted of:-

Sgt. Robert (Bob) Cant RAFVR - Pilot

Sgt. Eric (Dickie) Dickson RAFVR - Engineer

Sgt. Denys Teare RAFVR - Air Bomber

Sgt. George Thomas RAFVR -  Navigator

Sgt. Syd Horton RAFVR - Wireless Operator

Sgt. Bill Milburn RAFVR - Mid upper Gunner

Sgt. Bob Parkinson RAFVR - Rear Gunner

103 Squadron Bob Cant air and ground crew

This crew commenced their tour on the 24/25th June 1943 and completed 16 operations plus one early return together before being shot down on their 17h. Trip. They flew unchanged apart from Sgt Norman Ashton RAFVR who was Flight Engineer for the first 2 operations when Sgt Eric Dickson was ill. Also on the for the 2 operations on the 9th/10th August and 12/13th August Air Bomber Sgt Denys Teare was replaced by P/O R E Ault RAFVR

Their tour ran as follows :-

24-Jun-43 - Wuppertal - Lancaster - N/K -  Sgt RB Cant

25-Jun-43 - Gelsenkirchen - Lancaster - W4363 - Sgt RB Cant

28-Jun-43 - Cologne - Lancaster - W4363 - F/S RB Cant

03-Jul-43 - Cologne - Lancaster - W4363 - F/S RB Cant

24-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Lancaster - JA704 - F/S RB Cant

27-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Lancaster - JA868 - F/S RB Cant

29-Jul-43 - Hamburg - Lancaster - JA868 - F/S RB Cant

30-Jul-43 - Remscheid - Lancaster - JA868 - F/S RB Cant - ER - PI engine U/S and affected PO engine.

02-Aug-43 - Hamburg - Lancaster - JA868 - F/S RB Cant

07-Aug-43  - Turin - Lancaster -  JA868 - W/O RB Cant

09-Aug-43 - Mannheim - Lancaster - JA868  - W/O RB Cant - Combat. Attacked by twin engined night fighter which broke away pouring out smoke.

10-Aug-43  - Nuremberg - Lancaster - JA868 - W/O RB Cant

12-Aug-43  - Milan - Lancaster - JA868 - W/O RB Cant

14-Aug-43  - Milan - Lancaster - JA868 - W/O RB Cant

27-Aug-43  - Nuremberg - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RB Cant

29-Aug-43  - Munchengladbach - Lancaster - DV180 - W/O RB Cant

31-Aug-43  - Berlin - Lancaster - ED904 - W/O RB Cant

05-Sep-43  - Mannheim - Lancaster - ED751 - W/O RB Cant - FTR - Flak victim. Abandoned over E France. All the crew landed safely.

All but George Thomas successfully evaded which was an outstanding achievement by all concerned and also a great testament to the brave and resourceful French resistance fighters and patriots who risked their all to help downed allied airmen. Thomas was captured during his evasion.

George Thomas was captured whilst crossing the Pyrenees during the final stages of his attempted escape from occupied Europe. He was to endure and most brutal period as a prisoner of the Germans at both Fresnes prison in Paris and Buchenwald concentration camp.

For more details and photos of this crew see Andrew Caley's excellent website here or click on the crew image below

ED751       PM-S       103 Sqn  W.O Cant and crew standing in front of PM-U.

Sgt. Robert Cant RAFVR - Pilot – 103 Sqn - Evader

Sgt. Eric Dickson RAFVR - Engineer – 103 Sqn - Evader

Sgt. Denys Teare RAFVR - Air Bomber – 103 Sqn - Evader

Sgt. George Thomas RAFVR - Navigator – 103 Sqn - Evader

Sgt. Syd Horton RAFVR - Wireless Operator – 103 Sqn - Evader

Sgt. Bill Milburn RAFVR - Mid upper Gunner – 103 Sqn - Evader

Sgt. Bob Parkinson RAFVR - Rear Gunner – 103 Sqn – Camps N/K – Pow no N/K


05-Sep-43 - Mannheim

103 Squadron detailed 22 aircraft for this attack on the German city of Mannheim which was described as successful. Bundles of metalized paper strips were scattered while over enemy territory to disrupt their radar. All crews bombed between 19500 ft and 22000 ft. Barrage flak opened up over the target as soon as the bombing began but quickly died away. Searchlights however were intense at times. A number of fighters and combats were sighted in the light. F/O Kilvington's rear gunner fired a quick burst at a Ju 88 which approached rather closely but it was lost to sight on diving. The crews of W/O Cant and F/S Nelson failed to return. All others landed at base with the exception of F/L Hopps who landed at Binbrook

For this highly successful attack Bomber Command detailed a total of 605 aircraft - 299 Lancasters, 195 Halifaxes, 111 Stirlings - ordered to carry out a second 'double' attack, this time against Mannheim and Ludwigshafen. 34 aircraft - 13 Halifaxes, 13 Lancasters, 8 Stirlings - lost, 5.6 per cent of the force. The target area for this double attack was clear of cloud and the Pathfinder marking plan worked perfectly. Ground-markers were placed on the eastern side of Mannheim so that the bombing of the Main Force - approaching from the west - could move back across Mannheim and then into Ludwigshafen on the western bank of the Rhine. The creepback did not become excessive and severe destruction was caused in both targets.


Lancaster – ED751

This was another machine that gave good service and was lost on its 42nd operation.

It was mostly flown by W/O P E Chesterton and crew who took it 24 times. It was first flown by F/L Blumenauer. See below.

03-Apr-43 – Essen – Lancaster – ED751 – F/L CR Blumenauer

Item compiled by David Fell with photos courtesy of Andrew Caley


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* 1st November 2023 - Memoirs of F/L Jacob t'Hart DFC and bar

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*1st October 2023 - Dusseldorf - 1 August 1942

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Also of local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

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and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.