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F/S Bertram E Atwood RCAF and crew – 103 Squadron – RAF Elsham Wolds – 1943

Failed to Return – 13/14th January 1943 –  Avro Lancaster I – W4338 – Op Essen

Bertram Atwood and his crew were officially on the strength of 12 Squadron. However they were flying with 103 Squadron from RAF Elsham Wolds in a 103 Squadron aircraft and were noted in the 103 Sqn Operational Records Book 3 times in January. Details below.

11-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4336 – Sgt BE Atwood RCAF – ER - Navigator unconscious when his oxygen failed. 12 Sqn crew

12-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4337 – Sgt BE Atwood RCAF – DNTO - Faults arising on running up engines. 12 Sqn crew.

13-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4338 – F/S BE Atwood RCAF – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed near Krefeld. Germany. 12 Sqn crew


F/S Bertram Edwin Atwood RCAF ( see newslaper cutting below ) – Pilot – 12 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt Thomas Lynn Davies RAFVR – Flight Engineer – 12 Sqn - Husband of Elsie Irene Davies  - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt AS Laird RAFVR – POW – 12 Sqn – Camp 8B/344 – POW No 27349

F/S Francis James McKeown RCAF ( see newslaper cutting below ) – Air Bomber - 12 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt Richard Lyall RAFVR – Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - 12 Sqn - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

F/S Orville Stotts O'Hair RCAF – Air Gunner - 27 – 12 Sqn - Son of Orah Mike and Myrtle E. O'Hair Paris, Illinois, USA - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt Robert Ernest Whiteman RAFVR – Air Gunner - 18 – 12 Sqn - Son of Alec E. and Amy E. R Whiteman of Eastbourne, Sussex - Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany.

103 Squadron Atwood

103 Squadron McKeown Atwood


13-Jan-43 - Essen

103 Squadron detailed 7 aircraft for another Oboe trial attack on the German city of Essen. F/O Douglas bombed the PFF flares from 20000 ft at 19.34 hrs and saw his bombs burst. 90 x 4 lb incendiaries hung up. Sgt Grieg bombed from 19000 ft at 19.32 hrs and on the return journey was attacked by a night fighter. The fire from this attack released the dinghy which wrapped itself around the tail so the aircraft dived out of control. When the dingy eventually flew off the aircraft climbed again very quickly before the pilot managed to obtain control again. Sgt Berry bombed from 20000 ft at 19.38 hrs. 210 x 4 lb hung up, and brought back a recco report. F/L Kitney abandoned his mission due to the rear gunner passing out though lack of oxygen as his mask was iced up and it was impossible to reach him due to the position of the turret. Sgt Burton abandoned his mission because of frozen guns and the rear turret and sear pipe were unserviceable. Both the above only jettisoned their HEs. Sgt Maddern's port inner became unserviceable while taking off because of a broken cam rod. He flew out to sea and jettisoned his bombs before attempting to land. Sgt Atwood and crew failed to return. All other aircraft returned safely to base.

For this attack on Essen Bomber Command detailed 3 Mosquitos and 66 Lancasters. 4 Lancasters lost. Another poor raid for Oboe aircraft - 2 aircraft had to return without marking and the skymarkers of the third aircraft failed to ignite above the cloud. German aircraft also appeared to have dropped decoy flares to distract the Lancasters. Despite all this, Essen reports a sharp raid with 63 people killed, including 11 French prisoners of war and 6 other foreigners. This raid concluded the Oboe trials.


Lancaster W4338

21-Nov-42 - Biarritz/Biscay coast – Lancaster – W4338 – F/S RM Newitt RCAF

22-Nov-42 – Stuttgart – Lancaster – W4338 – F/S RM Newitt RCAF

28-Nov-42 – Turin – Lancaster – W4338 – F/S RM Newitt RCAF – ER -  Rear turret U/S.

02-Dec-42 – Frankfurt – Lancaster – W4338 – F/S RM Newitt RCAF - Combat. Attacked by SE NF whilst leaving the target. Landed at Middleton St George

06-Dec-42 – Mannheim – Lancaster – W4338 – Sgt CE Bayliss RAAF

08-Dec-42 - Helsingborg/Kullen Sound – Lancaster – W4338 Sgt GM Maddern RAAF - Hit by flak near Esbjerg and damaged. W/Op wounded.

11-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4338 – P/O RM Newitt RCAF -

12-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4338 – P/O RM Newitt RCAF

13-Jan-43 – Essen – Lancaster – W4338 – F/S BE Atwood RCAF – FTR - Flak victim. Crashed near Krefeld.  Germany. 12 Sqn crew

Compiled by David Fell. Newspaper cuttings courtesy of the Canadian Virtual War Memorial



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