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[Home] [Profiles 103 Sqn A to M] [Arthur S Cook RAAF and crew 103 Sqn]

Arthur Sydney Cook DFC DFM RAAF and crew – 103 Squadron/156 Pathfinder Squadron – 1942/43 – 406614

103 Squadron Cook AS

Syd Cook ( pictured above ) was born in Claremont, Western Australia 24 October 1921 and enlisted in the RAAF on the 3rd February 1941.

He and his crew were posted to 103 Squadron at RAF Elsham Wolds at they time they were converting to Avro Lancasters in mid October 1942.

His crew were as follows :-

Sgt A S Cook RAAF

Sgt H J A Wright.

P/O E R Freeman replaced by Sgt E E Weare for last op

Sgt A E Michie

Sgt A J Carwright

Sgt W C Marriage

Sgt W Owens

Cook's crew completed 27 operations with 2 early returns and flew largely unchanged.

Their tour was as follows :-

21-Nov-42 - Biarritz/Biscay coast - Minelaying - Lancaster - W4364 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

06-Dec-42 – Mannheim - Point of Aim - Lancaster - W4364 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF - Landed at Waddington

08-Dec-42 – Helsingborg/Kullen Sound - Minelaying – Lancaster - W4788 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF - Hit by flak

09-Dec-42 – Turin - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4323 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF - Rear turret unserviceable outbound.

20-Dec-42 - Duisburg - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF - Hit by shrapnel 11 times

21-Dec-42 – Munich 0 Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF - Landed at Woodhall Spa

04-Jan-43 – Essen - Point of AimLancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

09-Jan-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF – Early return - Mid upper and rear turrets unserviceable.
11-Jan-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

12-Jan-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

21-Jan-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

23-Jan-43 – Dusseldorf - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

04-Feb-43 – Turin - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

07-Feb-43 – Lorient - U Boat base - Lancaster – W4857 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF – Early return - Winds incorrectly computed

11-Feb-43 – Wilhelmshaven - Naval base - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

13-Feb-43 – Lorient - U Boat base - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF - Aiming point photo achieved.

14-Feb-43 – Milan - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

16-Feb-43 – Lorient - U Boat base - Lancaster – W4827 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

18-Feb-43 – Wilhelmshaven - Naval base - Lancaster – W4363 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

21-Feb-43 – Bremen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4364 – Sgt AS Cook RAAF

05-Mar-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

08-Mar-43 -  - Nuremberg - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4827 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

09-Mar-43 – Munich - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4827 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

11-Mar-43 – Stuttgart - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4821 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

12-Mar-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – W4363 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

26-Mar-43 – Duisburg - Point of Aim - Lancaster – ED713 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

27-Mar-43 – Berlin - Point of Aim - Lancaster – ED417 – P/O AS Cook RAAF

29-Mar-43 – Berlin - Point of Aim - Lancaster – ED713 – F/L AS Cook RAAF

03-Apr-43 – Essen - Point of Aim - Lancaster – ED733 – F/L AS Cook RAAF

During his tour Syd Cook was awarded a DFM gazetted February 1943. Citation below :-

“Sergeant Cook, an Australian, was posted to No 103 Squadron (RAF) on 13th October 1942, and since this date has carried out 18 sorties in Lancaster aircraft. Throughout his operational tour, this Non-Commissioned Officer has shown outstanding determination to press home his attacks with accuracy and to bring back a record of his achievements. He was particularly successful in his attacks on Milan on 14th February 1943, Turin on 4th February 1943, and Lorient on 16th February 1943. He is a keen and conscientious Captain of aircraft whose quiet confidence and courage have been an inspiration to the squadron and he is strongly recommended for the award of the DFM “

At this stage he was posted to 156 Pathfinder Squadron at RAF Warboys in Cambridgeshire. I believe he volunteered. During his tour with 156 Squadron he was awarded a DFC gazetted October 1943. Citation below :-

“One night in August 1943, this officer piloted an aircraft detailed to attack Nuremburg. Whilst over the target area, the bomber was subject to heavy and concentrated anti-aircraft fire. In spite of this, Flight Lieutenant Cook displayed great tenacity and, at the third attempt, successfully bombed the target. This officer has participated in very many sorties and his determination to complete the allotted task, whatever the opposition, has set a very fine example.”

Tragically he was killed on the 4th October 1943 flying JB242 in an attack on Frankfurt

S/L Arthur Sydney Cook DFC DFM RAAF – Pilot – 21 – 156 Sqn - Son of Alfred Reginald and Violet May Cook of Claremont, Western Australia - Durnbach War Cemetery, Germany .Squadron Leader Cook was 21 years of age when he died and was very highly thought of being being extremely capable, efficient and very keen.

Compiled by David Fell. Photo from my archive.



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