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Wishing all our supporters and friends a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2025. From all at Second Chance Cat Rescue


The Seasons Greetings from everybody at Second Chance Cat Rescue to all our Friends, Supporters and Volunteers.
Everyone here at Second Chance Cat Rescue (both the "carers" and the cats) would like to say a huge thank you for all the help you have given us this year and wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous Xmas and New Year.
From Brenda, Elaine, Marion, Sheelagh, Emma, Ray, Richard, Dave, Margaret, David and all at SCCR including Clifford.


The Rescue will be having a stall at the Goxhill Xmas Craft and Gift Fair at Goxhill Primary School on Sunday the 8th December 10 AM to 3 PM. This promises to be a splendid event and we hope to see as many of you as possible
We had a stall at a similar event at East Halton recently which proved a great success


It is that time of year again. Please keep your pets in doors and in a safe comfortable place at night during this period. Also if you are having a bonfire then please make sure their are no hedgehogs inside before lighting it.


Thanks to all who support us through the Easyfundrasing scheme. This is always appreciated and a great help.
Many of us do our regular shopping on line through our Easyfundraising accounts. This is a valuable income stream for the Rescue and we thank those registered supporters for using this and helping to raise much needed funds.
For those who are not Easyfundraising registered do give it a try. It is all very simple.
Easyfundraising is a very good way for us to raise funds.
See the Easyfundraising website here


Wishing all our friends and supporters a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2024. From all at Second Chance Cat Rescue - Keelby


The Seasons Greetings from everybody at Second Chance Cat Rescue to all our Friends, Supporters and Volunteers.
Everyone here at Second Chance Cat Rescue (both the "carers" and the cats) would like to say a huge thank you for all the help you have given us this year in order that more cats can find help in their time of need.
Whether you have been able to give one a new home, fostered one of our lodgers, donated monies or cat food etc to us or even passed on our contact details to someone needing help each one of these is important to us. Thank you again from Brenda, Elaine, Sheelagh, Emma, Ray, Richard, Dave, Margaret, Marion, David and all at SCCR including Clifford


Everyone at Second Chance would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mrs Ruby Smith of Immingham who sadly passed away recently. She was a lovely lady who we have known for many years. We would also like to say thank you to her family and friends who very kindly made a donation to our Cat Rescue. £245.45 has been forwarded to us which is a huge boost to our funds. Thank you so much.


For the foreseeable future we will no longer require donations of items for car boot sales or table top sales. The Rescue has ceased doing car boot sales and it looks as if there will be no events with table top sales for sometime to come. We will still sell suitable items on Facebook and Ebay however.
Donations of cat food and litter will be appreciated as both are always put to good use.
This is a difficult time for all animal welfare organisations but we have adapted and are coping very well in these unprecedented circumstances. All our kitties are well looked after and receiving the appropriate veterinary care as required. That will continue for as long as it takes to get back to normal. Take care and keep well


From time to time we take in cats that are microchipped but their records are not up to date and we cannot contact the owner. Any time your personal contact details change, including details such as your mobile phone number, you must update the microchip company with your new details. Changing your details at your vet will not change your microchip details, as these are held by a separate company. This is the same if you rehome an animal which is already microchipped. The physical chip does not have to be touched, but the unique number needs to be assigned to your details rather than that of a previous owner. It is your responsibility to contact your microchip company to change details, but your vet can help you if you have lost your pets microchip number or are not sure which company your pets microchip is registered with. 20th September 2018