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Cyril C Rollins DFC RAFVR – 103 Sqn and 576 Sqn - 1943/44.

576 Squadron Cyril Charles Rollins

I was very sorry to be told Cyril Rollins ( pictured above ) passed away in Feb at the age of 96 so decided to do a little page as a small tribute. I do not think I ever met him although I certainly met his mid upper gunner, Len Sumak, who was a good friend of Joe Duns who was killed with my uncle. Cyril did write to me a couple of times I recall.

43 - 44 - 576 Sq Rollins crew

Above- The Rollins crew - L to R. Len Sumak, Jock Boston, Bob Hammond, Ted Roff, Cyril Rollins, Louis Reece and Jack Rutter.

Cyril and his crew were posted to 103 Squadron at Elsham Wolds in the autumn of 43. He flew his fist op as second pilot with W/O E T Townend to Hagen on the 1/2 Oct 43.

He flew his first op with his own crew on the 4/5 Oct 43 to Ludswighafen which was a diversion. That was an early return. He then completed 6 more ops with 103 Sqn.

The last of these on the 22/23 Nov 43 to Berlin they recorded a combat with a single engined night fighter. On return they landed at “Scorton Marby” No idea where that is

Rollins and crew

Above - Cyril Rollins’ crew early in their tour whilst with 103 Sqn. L to R -  Reece, Sumak, Hammond, Rollins, Rutter, Roff and Boston.

This crew were then transferred with 103 Sqn C Flight to the new 576 Sqn which was formed late Nov 1943.

From Dec 43 through the remainder of the winter they continued to fly ops till they finished with a trip to Dusseldorf 22/23 April 1944.

Cyril Rollins was awarded a DFC and Len Sumak ( pictured below ) a DFM.

576 Squadron - Len Sumak

Listed below is his full tour right through the Battle of Berlin and includes many very hard and costly ops.

103 Squadron

01-10-43 - Hagen - Lancaster - ED417 - W/O E T Townsend. ( Sgt CC Rollins was 2nd pilot )

04-Oct-43 - Ludwigshafen/Diversion - Lancaster - ED881 - Sgt CC Rollins - ER Mid upper turret U/S

07-Oct-43 - Stuttgart - Lancaster - ED417 - Sgt CC Rollins

18-Oct-43 - Hanover - Lancaster - ED881 - W/O CC Rollins

03-Nov-43 - Dusseldorf - Lancaster - ED417 - F/S CC Rollins

10-Nov-43 - Modane - Lancaster - JA957 - F/S CC Rollins

18-Nov-43 - Berlin - Lancaster - JB319 - W/O CC Rollins

22-Nov-43 - Berlin - Lancaster - ED913 - W/O CC Rollins - Combat with single engined night fighter. No damage.

576 Squadron.

16/12/1943 - Berlin - ND402 - W/O CC Rollins

20/12/1943 - Frankfurt - ED913 - W/O CC Rollins - Engine U/S. Bombed an airfield.

23/12/1943 - Berlin - JA868 - W/O CC Rollins

29/12/1943 - Berlin - JA868 - W/O CC Rollins

01/01/1944 - Berlin - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

14/01/1944 - Brunswick - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

20/01/1944 - Berlin - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

21/01/1944 - Magdeburg - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

27/01/1944 - Berlin - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

28/01/1944 - Berlin - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

30/01/1944 - Berlin - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

15/02/1944 - Berlin - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

19/02/1944 - Leipzig - ND385 - W/O CC Rollins

24/02/1944 - Schweinfurt - JA868 - W/O CC Rollins

25/02/1944 - Augsburg - LL748 - W/O CC Rollins

18/03/1944 - Frankfurt - ND385 - P/O CC Rollins

30/03/1944 - Nuremberg - ME703 - P/O CC Rollins

10/04/1944 - Aulnoye  - LL800 - P/O CC Rollins

11/04/1944 - Aachen - LL800 - P/O CC Rollins

18/04/1944 - Rouen - LL800 - P/O CC Rollins

20/04/1944 - Cologne - LL800 - P/O CC Rollins

22/04/1944 - Dusseldorf - LL796 - P/O CC Rollins

Newspaper report of Cyril’s DFC award below.

576 Squadron Cyril Charles Rollins DFC

Rollins portrait

Rollins portrait

Rollins in classroom

Rollins ( middle ) in classroom during training

Rollins in flying suit

Rollins in flying suit on the right. The photo was taken in Canada. The reverse of the photo states that at the time it was taken Cyril had his arm in plaster as a result of an accident

Compiled by David Fell mostly from 103 and 576 Squadron ORBs Iain Williamson and the late Len Sumak - Photos courtesy of the Len Sumak and Iain Williamson. The bottom 3 photos were sent by Jonathan of the Rollins family


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Also local RAF Bomber Command interest are the

166 Squadron website

and the

550 Squadron and North Killingholme website.