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[Home] [Profiles - 576 Squadron.] [D U Hogg RAFVR and crew 576 Sqn]

F/S D U Hogg RAFVR and crew – 576 Sqn – RAF Fiskerton – 1945

Failed to Return – 4/5th April 1945 - Lancaster III – ME671 - Op Lutzkendorf

Sgt Hogg flew his first operation as co-pilot in the crew of F/O Carter RAAF to Paderborn in LM594 on the 27/03/1945. He then completed 2 more operations with his own crew being lost on the 3rd. See below.

31/03/1945 – Hamburg – ME492 – Sgt DU Hogg

03/04/1945 – Nordhausen – LM594 – Sgt DU Hogg

04/04/1945 – Lutzkendorf – ME671 – F/S DU Hogg – FTR - Crashed in Germany.


576 Squadron Allen

F/S DU Hogg RAFVR – Pilot – 576 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW No N/K

Sgt JR Reed RAFVR – 576 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW No N/K

Sgt JW Foster RAFVR – 576 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW No N/K

Sgt S Cranridge RAFVR – 576 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW No N/K

Sgt J Tyrer RAFVR – 576 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW No N/K

Sgt WJ Monksfield RAFVR – 576 Sqn – POW – Camp N/K – POW No N/K

Sgt Harold John Allen RAFVR ( pictured above )– Air Gunner – 576 Sqn – Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery, Germany.

Sgt Harold J Allen sustained a severe head injury and baled out at 500 ft 30 minutes before the crash. He was the last 576 Squadron fatal casualty.

The others survived and became prisoners of war. This was very late in the war and the details of their captivity are not recorded.

Some sources show Hogg as Sgt D H Hogg. However the 576 Squadron Operational Record Book shows him as F/S D U Hogg so I have gone with that.


4 April 45 – 19 aircraft were detailed for a daylight operation which was cancelled. Lutzkendorf – Germany – Oil Refinery – Night. 18 aircraft detailed. On take off 8/10ths cloud at about 6000 ft. This cleared over the Channel but built up to about 9/10ths to 10/10ths at 1000 ft to 12000 ft about 70 miles into the Continent. This cleared just short of the target and gave good bombing condition. For return conditions were similar as far as the English coast where electric storms up to 1000 ft were encountered. Over base cloud was about 2500 ft for return.

PFF marked the target which most crews visually identified adequately and punctually keeping the marking concentrated during the whole attack. The Master Bomber was heard well and directed the bombing which was well concentrated on the TIs. Good fires were started and a series of orange explosions were seen. On leaving the target crews reported columns of black smoke up to 12000 ft.

Flak over the target was moderate in barrage form. 2 aircraft were seen to go down. 1 fighter was seen over the target but no combats. 1 of our aircraft was slightly damaged by another Lancaster.

F/S Abercrombie in M2 aborted immediately after take off owing to an engine cutting. F/S Hogg and crew are missing from this operation.

All other crews returned safely.

Training – Nil.

( 262 aircraft of 1 and 8 Groups attacked the oil refinery at Lutzkendorf. Bomber Command claimed 'moderate damage'. 6 Lancasters lost. )


Lancaster ME671

This machine was a veteran on 59 operations with no early returns. It was lost on its 60th outing

Its first operation was on the 15th October 1944 to Wilhelmshafen with F/O CA Rhude RCAF and crew. It was flown mostly by F/O A H De-Mille 13 times and F/O D C Smith also 13 times.

Item compiled and written by David Fell with photo from the Allen family


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